Submitted by theshadow62 t3_z0oxcd in photoshopbattles
DonFrulli t1_ix7wlcb wrote
Even if the dragon should be pointing to the other direction, I have to say, hats off for the work.
jaretts t1_ix9lsya wrote
That's exactly what creates an interesting narrative, why is the dragon pointed inwards...perhaps someone or something the boat was transporting dictated it be watched by the figurehead.
MonkeyPawClause t1_ix9r8tu wrote
Tiamat cultists
meta_ironic t1_ix9d6ni wrote
Should be? I've never seen it this way for sure but it looks great
ubermeisters t1_ixacj7q wrote
Before ships had a stemhead on which to mount a figurehead, it wasn't uncommon to see the bow come to an inward point at all, however, I agree, I've never seen an actual figurehead, facing inward.
Check out a Greek Trireme for an example of an inward facing decorative feature at the tip of the bow. I suspect this is what influenced OP's subconscious and resulted in the non-sequitur formation we are discussing. These did have decorative figures on the stern, facing inward, but that is the direction of travel in the rear, and makes much better sense.
pointless_tempest t1_ixaeioq wrote
I kinda like it, it looks like the dragon turned around to check on the boat and is now shocked to find that everyone bailed.
bananalord666 t1_ix7wlio wrote
My favorite in this thread!
naran_j t1_ixaj4m2 wrote
I second this!
Ghattan t1_ixatwui wrote
This is actually very well done
[deleted] t1_ixaxvvj wrote
GeeorgeC t1_ixbbcr6 wrote
Why’s it gotta be forgotten tho? Like I would not forget about this cool ass boat.
[deleted] t1_ixbjg2x wrote
dystopika t1_ix7nlnh wrote
mastercord t1_ix7w1f0 wrote
Way to use your " Imagination, Imagination"
theshadow62 OP t1_ix8h3b7 wrote
This is the coolest one so far! Thanks
ManicTypist t1_ix9ruwm wrote
That's really cool.
SkyShazad t1_ix9fb4q wrote
That's Some Pixar level animation
Mr-Cinnamon t1_ix70dy1 wrote
MrButternuss t1_ix7c8pa wrote
You cut off his horns T-T
Nicominde t1_ix7lf21 wrote
Valheim vives
JSG_100001 t1_ix75zwi wrote
god that’s good
[deleted] t1_ix7i29o wrote
[deleted] t1_ixa3i5e wrote
HermesTristmegistus t1_ix7jaan wrote
centran t1_ix8eu2d wrote
Well, of course he's not gonna go away, Mary! You give him a dollar, he's gonna assume you got more!
MyPokemonRedName t1_ix7sk99 wrote
Damn Nesie
burin2301 t1_ix99kja wrote
Omg... This got me xDDD
[deleted] t1_ix7ozil wrote
[deleted] t1_ix7rfzg wrote
pablitosocool t1_ixa4q5x wrote
Fuck LOL
SirWhoohoo t1_ix7uoei wrote
iveseenthelight t1_ix82haw wrote
Better graphics than the new Pokémon game
BluBat42 t1_ix8kjsp wrote
Honestly, a grass and dragon type charizard would be epic.
TheFakeShark t1_ix8b9ak wrote
I was about to do this lmao
blargney t1_ix909ue wrote
[deleted] t1_ix9dutb wrote
OrangeSpiralweedExpr t1_ix95ai0 wrote
theshadow62 OP t1_ix9br7z wrote
Well, that's an interpretation I wasn't expecting. But definitely awesome!!
OrangeSpiralweedExpr t1_ix9jjhc wrote
Trying not to go with the obvious, you know? And thank you!
Jakfolisto t1_ix9h3yw wrote
Could you complete the tree trunk all the way through and post on /r/upvoteexeggutor ?
OrangeSpiralweedExpr t1_ix9itpm wrote
Sure doing it now.
[deleted] t1_ix9jbc2 wrote
Ghattan t1_ixau53m wrote
Caught me off guard
youonlytrumponce t1_ixa89sj wrote
gpsydanger t1_ixa9z9g wrote
masterkrin t1_ixaygr0 wrote
Thank you this is perfect buy ii could also be Yamato
Affectionate_Room_38 t1_ixbc3jk wrote Toasty
[deleted] t1_ix6rasa wrote
[deleted] t1_ix6rvb4 wrote
ApiContraption t1_ix6rvc5 wrote
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JSG_100001 t1_ix75ye8 wrote
this is literally charizard
ChromeCalamari t1_ix90u6s wrote
Nope, it's jigglypuff viewed from above!
WildWestSam t1_ix6x7kf wrote
I absolutely have to see this as a dragon or some sort of sea monster
[deleted] t1_ix6zonp wrote
Stellakinetic t1_ix7g3u0 wrote
This isn’t photoshop already? Wow
C_Ya_Space_Cowboy t1_ix8186w wrote
I can’t be the only one who first saw some sort of hooded shadow assassin doing ‘one of those’ dodges, right?
Ihavebadreddit t1_ix8y49f wrote
I guess a wood dragon would be less useful with the whole "breathing fire"thing, than say a stone or bronze dragon.
[deleted] t1_ix70vyt wrote
ppumkin t1_ix7aqqm wrote
Why is this deleted
AnaBanona t1_ix8s63a wrote
From the comment you're replying to:
> Please post any comments that are not a photoshop as a reply to this comment and leave the top of the thread for original content.
>I, Bot, removed my first comment to keep this nest at the bottom of the page.
y0haN t1_ix7hgy9 wrote
The better ending to Game of Thrones.
rsatrioadi t1_ix8etss wrote
Are… are you sure that is a tree?
[deleted] t1_ix6t55x wrote
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[deleted] t1_ixawzfz wrote
[deleted] t1_ixb2n7d wrote
Kyle_01110011 t1_ix7t778 wrote
The forgotten boat