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[deleted] t1_j3bg6vo wrote



ApiContraption t1_j3bg6w5 wrote

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I, Bot, removed my first comment to keep this nest at the bottom of the page.

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Parcus42 t1_j3d4rup wrote

The original photo is amazing, hard to improve upon.


cyankitten t1_j3c4627 wrote

Please someone make a girl from The Ring version of this cos that’s what I thought of when I saw this


BluudLust t1_j3cw1wn wrote

Someone turn this into Gandalf.

Edit: I did!


Stardustchaser t1_j3d9569 wrote

This guy looks like one of the benevolent-yet-will-fuck-your-shit-up critters you’d see in either Middle Earth or Amphibia, so if someone can shop that I’d love to see it!


L_Rayquaza t1_j3dmxm3 wrote

Me standing in line at 3 am to order chicken nuggets