Submitted by PaladinSteel t3_11acxe8 in pics
PaladinSteel OP t1_j9r9sea wrote
Yeah, considering it doesn’t snow hear very much, it’s the perfect time to bring the cloak out.
wish1977 t1_j9r9z47 wrote
Are you able to walk around in daylight? lol
PaladinSteel OP t1_j9racw9 wrote
Yeah, I guess I’ve never been bothered by temperatures that much. So I would definitely be able to walk around in sunlight in that.
HaAnotherLlama t1_j9rbz2k wrote
Perioscope t1_j9rc6bx wrote
Delusions of Vampeur
carlosjohnson123 t1_j9rcn4m wrote
You look like a discord mod whose ready to return to the shadows
Ghost_of_Cambridge t1_j9rcqdc wrote
My guy coming through like a Meat Loaf album cover 🔥
Myhouseburnsatm t1_j9rczvi wrote
You are a Wizard Harry, its just the letter was lost for 30 years.
blageur t1_j9rdn9w wrote
I don't trust men in capes.
PaladinSteel OP t1_j9reryt wrote
That got a good laugh from me
[deleted] t1_j9rg2t0 wrote
sirfuzzitoes t1_j9rh8gx wrote
Damn, you'd think this is a r/roastme post with these comments. I will only say this - you look to be Finnish to me. Could be wrong but thats my shot in the dark.
PaladinSteel OP t1_j9riht4 wrote
Yeah, but hey, it’s Reddit, and people will be mean on the internet no matter where you go. As for me looking Finnish, I’m actually 25% Italian and some other stuff like Irish.
Drumingchef t1_j9rlwjj wrote
Oh I would do any thing for love, But I won’t do that. No, i won’t do that.
DC7CAM t1_j9rnjmn wrote
Oh fuck yes are capes in again
The_Mootz_Pallucci t1_j9rqk54 wrote
You look like a 35 baby with hair glued on lmao
Johnredcorn302 t1_j9rql7n wrote
I like it
Potikanda t1_j9rs534 wrote
Can I just say, I LOVE that cloak? Does it have many hidden little pockets inside? I want one, with a nice hood, thick and warm.
Howitzer1967 t1_j9rsdhq wrote
Why doesn’t this have more upvotes? Have my meaningless big up
[deleted] t1_j9ru5f5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9rvpr0 wrote
Paratrooperkid t1_j9rwrqk wrote
Let us know when you need Samwise to come carry you the rest of the way.
-Uncommon_name- t1_j9rx2gd wrote
Looking spiffy sir
mercurywaxing t1_j9rxbnh wrote
He’s not a vampire. He’s Jackie Daytona, Human Bartender.
lucasteh5th t1_j9rxccn wrote
Frank contanzas lawyer?
[deleted] t1_j9rxpp0 wrote
AndringRasew t1_j9rycfm wrote
"Oh God... They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!"
Alternative-Light514 t1_j9s2192 wrote
A nice tie would’ve brought the whole thing together
sfmichaela t1_j9s4yte wrote
Nice cape
KCReefer t1_j9s6jzc wrote
This is a really good pic. You look so dapper. I love the contrast between your dark clothes and the snow. The hair across your face and facial expression with a hint of a smile is 🤌. Stay cool OP
DrSigns t1_j9s9gz1 wrote
Respect for doing you, don’t stop. In the end, it’s always worth it.
saggydu t1_j9s9q6l wrote
Well of course temperature doesn’t bother you. You’re already dead bud.
BeastBellies t1_j9saeli wrote
Is your name Wilhelm?
hellahater t1_j9scw5d wrote
I found a fawn
majuhlazuh t1_j9sd97k wrote
I really like the new tone of this My Chemical Romance album
SecretLingonberry767 t1_j9selbl wrote
Art thou an evil Mage ?
SpecialTradition8390 t1_j9sg3xm wrote
Fuckin Stud
mtsai t1_j9sjseu wrote
which magic trick you gonna do for us?
3woodx t1_j9slac7 wrote
Van Helsing!
RunsWithApes t1_j9smhvf wrote
We found him, the quintessential Redditor
TripleHomicide t1_j9sp0g9 wrote
Fuck yeah. I would watch this guys magic show any day.
Pachyderm_Powertrip t1_j9sqlne wrote
On his way back from Hogsmeade.
WhistlingBread t1_j9stwrm wrote
One of us! One of us! One of us!
Stranger2Night t1_j9stwtl wrote
I imagine from the opera or theater, don't take that shortcut through crime alley.
sp00ndrift t1_j9svfl6 wrote
Dapper was the word that came to my mind, too. ☺️
Cleanshirt-buswanker t1_j9sx09i wrote
Is he auditioning to be a Reddit moderator?
Humphrey_the_Hoser t1_j9t2ms7 wrote
What is a man in a cape doing walking around there?
TacoBeefBoy t1_j9t3ehz wrote
Hogwarts legacy winter update looks 🅱️razy
ganjsta t1_j9t6fx7 wrote
Well it is good cape weather. Cool and breezy
mykidsadick t1_j9t932d wrote
Do you brother!
PhReAk0909 t1_j9t97i9 wrote
Looks like a low budget remake of Lord of the Rings
joethedad t1_j9tic2k wrote
You double for Jack Black, don't ya???
galabanza t1_j9tiudp wrote
Lunchie420 t1_j9tw0gw wrote
You know nothing, Jim Snow
tilla18 t1_j9tz1yz wrote
No, he's Peter Jackson dressed as a hobbit.
rct1 t1_j9tzh2r wrote
Tell me you main a pally without telling me - oh wait nm your name has Paladin in it
hangs2theLEFT t1_j9u2825 wrote
Prolly stopped short
EXANGUINATED_FOETUS t1_j9u4fzy wrote
Where's your sword?
stillinthesimulation t1_j9ucwnq wrote
They joking that you’re a vampire
PaladinSteel OP t1_j9ud90n wrote
MyVoiceIsElevating t1_j9ukqm0 wrote
Magic? Naw, his character doesn’t have magic abilities. Instead he outwits the enemy with cunning tactics and uses his dragon mithril cape to protect against anything.
CptQueef t1_j9um3by wrote
Samwell Tarly about to take the nights watch oath. (Colorized)
TripleHomicide t1_j9uq4oa wrote
"nothing personal, kid."
canijustreddit t1_j9va0lp wrote
Hello sir lord
Gitsome99 t1_j9r9hyz wrote
Looks like good cape weather, cool, breezey