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t1_j9dcq4a wrote

What makes a president inept? Reagan broke the law, massively exploded the debt, and severely fucked up a national health crisis due to prejudice. Bush Sr. mishandled the economy which brought his popularity from one of the highest ever after Desert Storm to basement level. Clinton got got screwing around with interns and bombed Kosovo and Iraq to distract from his gross behavior. Bush Jr. send 4,000 US soldiers to die in a mud hole for no reason other than prejudice. Obama tried to place nice with racists and ultimately lost because of the horror of the guy who took over from him.

I mean love or hate Carter but Trump redefined being unfit for the office in the same way serial killers redefine harm from a terse letter. Then there is Biden who should have retired a decade ago.

I mean each of them is a fuck up depending on how you want to call it.
