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scot816 t1_j8fm14n wrote

Looks like an amazon driver tucked away their prize until after shift. Call the local fuzz to surveil the area for awhile. 🕵️‍♂️


DinklanThomas t1_j8hvaq4 wrote

More likely the Amazon driver schlepped that carrier tote near an apartment building or business complex and instead of trying to carry all of them at once to different locations. They may have set up a "return" point to alleviate some weight.

But yes... Call the police.



DinklanThomas t1_j8hvshl wrote

More likely the Amazon driver schlepped that carrier tote near an apartment building or business complex and instead of trying to carry all of them at once to different locations. They may have set up a "return" point to alleviate some weight.

But yes... Call the police.



Throwitallaway112345 t1_j8hx0tq wrote

More likely the Amazon driver schlepped that carrier tote near an apartment building or business complex and instead of trying to carry all of them at once to different locations. They may have set up a "return" point to alleviate some weight.

But yes... Call the police.

