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t1_jdendms wrote

Which alternatives?


t1_jdetpuy wrote

Tax the rich, maybe? Just a thought...


t1_jdf8gjp wrote

Lol. The rich are either leaving France or have head offices outside of France so they don't have to pay such high taxes. Good luck with that. If a country has too much taxes, the first thing the rich do is look for places to not pay the big taxes outside of that country


t1_jdi7lky wrote

Let them leave then. Let them lose their French (and EU) citizenship as well. If they want the benefits of belonging to a civilized society, then they need to help fund it. PERIOD.


t1_jdfshh7 wrote

Why is the solution always "the rich will pay for it"


t1_jdi339b wrote

Um, because the rich haven't been paying their fair share for going on 40-50 years now? Or haven't you been paying attention?

I am not talking about you...unless you are making $300,000/yr or more. I have no idea why the poor constantly defend the rich...


t1_jdilynk wrote

> because the rich haven't been paying their fair share for going on 40-50 years now?



t1_jdvr9un wrote

None of that has anything to do with my point. In order for that to matter you'd have to be making the point that taxation should prevent people from gaining wealth. Are you making that point? Federal receipts in relation to GDP have stayed pretty steady over the years.


t1_jdenpnu wrote

Read up on the subject if you really want to know, I see that you already have preconceived ideas. Raise top marginal taxe rate is one option which has broad support in France among many others


t1_jdeylyt wrote

You can read a lot into two words. I know of many options. Iā€™m curious about what those closer to the matter see as alternative solutions.


t1_jdf57rd wrote

Top marginal tax rate increase, windfall taxes on exceptional profit (Highway companies and fuel companies made big profit headlines), increase of minimal wage, increase in company-side social taxes etc.

Basically many ways to not make the workers face the brunt of the cost.


t1_jdgzj4k wrote

The marginal tax rate can amount to 48%. How high do you believe should it be?