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Odin4456 t1_jdjne1i wrote

It does work, it is either super crispy or super rubbery. Haven’t taken the time to find the sweet spot. Doesn’t make as much as the oven so I don’t mess with it too much lol. You can cook steak and baked potatoes in the microwave as well

Edit: and by steak I mean cook just enough to finish with a sear in the cast iron when it’s done. I don’t hardly use this method unless it’s freeze your balls off cold in the winter and I really want a steak

Edit 2: freeze your balls off cold for me is -10F and colder with a 10-20 mph wind


suckercuck t1_jdjs6ku wrote

My brother, get yourself a decent cast iron pan and never look back. I only cook steak in a cast iron pan, on the grill outside, (or sometimes in a cast iron pan on the grill outside)😆

I joined the steak subreddit and the cast iron subreddit and enjoy the pictures and the tips and tricks given there.

Cast iron steak!🤌 🥩 😋


Odin4456 t1_jdk2lkh wrote

I do have a pretty good cast-iron pan. But I’m not a huge fan of using it to cook my steaks mainly for the cleanup factor involved lol


suckercuck t1_jdk33tm wrote

I hear you. I usually wipe it out after with a paper towel then I use dish soap and a nylon brush after a little soak.

Re-season with heat and oil and viola!

It was nice chatting with you today. Cheers 🍻