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dufsnikk t1_jcziqnc wrote

Could have chose a better subject.


hngovr t1_jczps9t wrote

Tom MacDonald is a qlown shoe


dufsnikk t1_jd0mdul wrote

Hahaha tom is the closed minded one. He makes the most generic bs I have ever heard. All his songs sound the same. Its music for racist because Eminem and Macklemore are to woke now.


nightwing0243 t1_je95k45 wrote

Aside from his horrible rap delivery, his subject matter is nothing more than marketing to the far right. You want to know how I know this?

Go to any Tom MacDonald music video on YouTube. He isn’t changing anyone’s mind. The people who listen to him are people who align with the message he pushes already. Nobody is saying “man, he really changed my mind”, or “wow, this guy is really making me rethink my beliefs!”.

It’s just white people who don’t even like rap who somehow feel like they are victims because of the phantom “woke” issue. Which translates into: “I’m a racist redneck who doesn’t like the way minorities are being treated on equal ground lately”.

I mentioned his horrible rap delivery - but I need to bring attention to his weak beats, the blatant misinformation he spreads, and his completely forgettable choruses.

There’s plenty of legitimate rappers out there who touch an social and political issues with a far more open mind - Tom MacDonald is not one of them.


Slop-EJoe OP t1_jealctx wrote

Name some rappers. I will gladly give a listen. I love rap. Listen you sound angry and sounds like your passionate about your opinions. I think if you actually say down and had a conversation with him I don't think you would paint him the villain him like you are. I'm interested in your views on him though. What specifically does he say that caters to the far right? And specific lyrics not interpretation of his songs. How do you feel about Joe Rogan?