TargetDroid t1_jec9xmb wrote
Reply to comment by boofthatcraphomie in My oil painting of Lisbon, Portugal. by hazzlaw
I know, right? For someone who isn’t invested in art, it’s incredible. But for people who actually paint, it’s just standard-issue.
That’s how it is! I’m afraid your opinion is merely dilated by the attractive woman standing beside it.
boofthatcraphomie t1_jeca2z0 wrote
lol alright buddy 👍🏽
Maybe clarify next time and say ‘This is very average if you are a painter like me’
I’m not a painter, this shit is impressive and would take me dozens of hours to make a shitty replica of. To me that is above average, the lady standing next to it has no influence on how good the painting is.
Ultamira t1_jedrt8u wrote
So your art sucks and you need to devalue someone else’s efforts because they’re a woman so you can feel like your own is just “unappreciated” because you don’t have boobs, we get it.
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