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the_other_jc t1_jebf3m9 wrote

Reply to comment by YesplzMm in Florida's Current State by aswissguy

About what you'd expect, e.g., not a life-size statue sticking its junk in your face when you walk into the school. It was an art lesson, probably a picture in a text or video presentation. "A school principal in Tallahassee, Florida was forced to resign after parents complained about a Renaissance art lesson that showed students Michelangelo's sculpture of the Bible's David." Three parents complained, one of those called it pornographic, and bye-bye principal.
Parents who considered it educational and great art didn't get a voice. Which highlights the question; WHICH parent's rights? The most conservative, with no regard for anyone else's rights.
Which is directly on brand for conservatives.


YesplzMm t1_jebhpxd wrote

I have no idea the age of these students either. But whether it was conservatives or liberals. Whichever has the most shock appeal behind their policy is usually the one that is adheard to. Usually the zero tolerance thing is what fucks anyone within public schools. So yeah parents offended and are the minority over rules reason and practically all legitimate explanations. Its just a red vs. blue thing because thats so hot ever since everyone's getting on and enjoying ripping America apart at the seams.