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Machku t1_je73oxg wrote

Never seen blue eggs before


AnnoyedOwlbear t1_je7n7be wrote

Araucana crosses - also known as 'Easter Eggers'. Something I'm a lil' jealous over (they aren't here).


Newdles t1_je84vyq wrote

I've got a cream legbar that does blue also. It's a type of cross with aruacana though. She's a turd though and always escapes the enclosure. They are known for flying everywhere and digging up your garden etc. 0/10 do not recommend.


ccwthrow t1_je9g1ix wrote

Ayyy I've got a couple CLBs coming next month. Can't wait for them to fuck up my garden too (their older sisters no doubt will show them the way)


Newdles t1_je9pk1w wrote

I'm so sorry. She's my most stubborn bird. She also lays the least. Sorry to disappoint. I'd have rather just gotten more Rhode island reds...


ccwthrow t1_je9r24q wrote

So far from disappointed! I love collecting different breeds and different Chicken-alities! So I'm excited to add more stubborn birds. (My 2 most stubborn are a Barred Rock and Oliver)


margueritjie t1_je90php wrote

Yes not different breeds as OP says. Just one breed: the easter egger. :)


JustGimmeAnyOldName t1_je9d23d wrote

Easter egger is a generic term used by people who raise chickens for a bird bred with Araucana or Ameraucana to gain the colored egg laying gene. It isn't an actual breed at all. It's just a colloquial term.

Also, Easter Eggers specifically refers to the blue gene, and creates shades from blue to green. Some birds it doesn't take well at all, and they produce barely colored eggs. Others produce a bright brilliant blue.

Other colors, like the browns, reds, and pinks, come from other breeds of chicken like marans. I've even had barred rocks and orpingtons lay browns.

Easter egger though, is the chicken equivalent of a mutt, as long as the mutt contains the blue egg gene.


supplenupple t1_je9aja7 wrote

Easter eggers don’t lay brown, especially not the deep chocolate brown. That’s either marans, Bible elder or one other I can’t think of


ccwthrow t1_je9g7he wrote

I have an Oliver Eggers that didn't get the green-gene and so she lays dark brown like a Maran


petejones1955 t1_je78qn0 wrote

>Never seen blue eggs before

We get our eggs from a local farm, definitely have been some blue ones


daqwid2727 t1_je76c1q wrote

My father had a duck, and it was laying kind of blue eggs. I think the image is a bit saturated though.


cownan t1_je8n3bi wrote

My neighbors, growing up, kept a bunch of chickens. Guinea hens laid little pale blue green eggs.


sevargmas t1_jea1f4a wrote

Maybe you are only referring to chickens but, look up robin eggs. They are a beautiful blue.