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themagicbong t1_jcv0uu0 wrote

no, actually, that's just an assumption you made. I didn't say or act like anyone owed anyone anything. I made a joke using just the initialism right there, which I've been referring to as an acronym incorrectly lol, and then they said they couldnt fit the full title. I didnt know what "the full title" meant, in this instance, and I said as much. They told me what it meant, and I said "I gotcha, makes sense." forgot to include "thanks." but other than that, nothing I said was acting like any kinda way.


mynameisbone t1_jcvn5gi wrote

I can’t believe all the bullshit backlash and downvotes from your original post. Like, WTF??? I also had no idea what the movie was. And apparently I’m supposed to know because it won awards at the Oscars? I couldn’t give a fuck about the Oscars! I never watch them. Well, other than clips of Will Smith being a complete fuck-up. So thanks for taking one for the team


themagicbong t1_jcx9k5s wrote

Its a little odd, to say the least, the overall reaction to these couple comments I made. It's hardly even close to the most controversial thing I've ever spoken about/said on reddit, and I don't think I was really being too disrespectful until I was being disrespected myself. These comments are now up there with the most downvoted comments I have ever made on reddit in the decade (nearly) that I've had this account, lmfao.

Its a bit strange, but I suppose my comments responding to this thread made up a good portion of the comments at one point, so it was pretty visible for a while. No idea what was so controversial about a lame ass joke, though. Its like they decided anything I said wasn't genuine, period. And further, went ahead and gave me this crazy backstory lmao. Its not just this guy, right here, saying I'm trying to tell others what to do, or that I'm a dickhead or something, but even had another person give me another evaluation on how they know for sure I'm the type to never admit fault and all this other crazy shit. Based off a whole three or four comments at that point, lmao.