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themagicbong t1_jcxavr9 wrote

I appreciate it, though I think people have pretty much just decided they don't like me, and sorta gave their own undertones and backstory to everything I've said so they can act like I'm the bad guy, or something. Dunno if you saw any of the characterizations made about me, but they are all over the place, and obviously pretty derogatory in nature. Pretty wild reaction over a statement like this, I think.

I genuinely was joking, and yes, the joke used sarcasm, but I wasn't being sarcastic towards OP with the joke or the followup statement. In my mind, everyone was in on the bad joke. If anything, I was even sorta joking on myself saying I didn't know what this evidently popular media was. And at the time I made the comment, there was around two comments total in the thread, and the post was at +50 votes. Pretty innocuous in my mind. Wild as fuck to log back on 12 hrs later or whatever and now multiple of my comments are in the negative hundreds lmfao.

In the nearly decade I've had this account, these comments are now among the most if not the most controversial I have ever made, apparently. This site is becoming pretty awful with the negativity these days. I guess that's just what the assumption was that was made about me, that I was being negative. But this whole thing is fuckin weird to me. Don't think I even really said anything too egregious, lol.


MrPapis t1_jczfjfu wrote

I totally agree and ive had similar experiences to feel what you are. Im just gonna say it how i feel, its that fucking woke culture. I understand the basis of it and can agree. The problem is that the arguments made are rarely true.
So their path or direction i find good(inclusion, letting people be who they are etc.) but the way they attack reality as if it can be attacked is ridicules.

And its basically whats happening here. A lighthearted joke is being vilyfied to mean "haha you stupid for saying something that doesnt make sense" When in reality its like. Yeah no, people arent just gonna know what the fuck EEAAO means. And it should only be assumed that people in cinema subs(which is eve na stretch) knows, not in a general sub as r/pics. Only reason its disliked so much is because people who dont know just wont interact with it so its only bandwagon people and people who knows the movie by its acronym.

Which is just not a normal way to talk about a movie unless you start the text with the movie name to use the acronym through the rest of it. But no screw logic/grammar because you were trying to be evil so now feel the evil of hundreds of people, as if that's fair in any way.
Honestly I'm disgusted by this behavior and none of them would say it like that to your face. Its the new keyboard warriors, all talk no walk(or even footpath to walk on), its just pure ignorant malice.


themagicbong t1_jczxeld wrote

Absolutely agree. Its pretty wild how they go full circle basically with that type of thing. Trying to act high and mighty and end up doing the exact same thing they are claiming to be against. One of those keyboard warriors even just now told me I need to "shut the fuck up," oh no! We got a tough guy over here! Yeah its pretty ridiculous overall. We can speak to each other like decent people even if we don't agree, there is literally no need for all the above and beyond crazy shit these guys were doing, and trying to psychoanalyze me and all that, give me their own backstories. Just weird as fuck, especially with that superiority angle that literally every single one of them was using in their arguments.


MrPapis t1_jczzzak wrote

The hard part for the rational people is to not let anger get the best of them so it turns into the mud fight, they want, because that's how you loose. But not getting angry when people disregard reality is really difficult. It will be an interesting shift of modern society if what we can agree collectively is true compared to the truth actually being true. At least in these echochambers it doesn't seem like rationality is winning.


themagicbong t1_jd013dk wrote

Absolutely. Unfortunately, I did end up falling into that, a bit, and it never helps or makes you look good, thats for sure. And yeah it's kinda shocking, at times, the degree to which people will willing separate from reality to push certain narratives/to win arguments. Honestly, this type of stuff is definitely worrying. Can't even have a simple convo about an initialism without there having to be a "good" and a "bad" side. And yknow, the whole thing where its okay to not agree 100%. That doesn't have to mean the person you're speaking with is a literal child, or something like that. This new hardline attitude for everything is just not the way, imo. Sure, feel strongly about whatever you want, but that does not suddenly make your cause important, nor does it make you superior to others. Picking a side shouldn't be thought of in a way that invokes superiority. Yet nowadays everyone and their moms seemingly thinks they are better than everyone else, simply because they believe in "the correct side." Anyway, I hope some of these things can be reverted, maybe with people realizing these extreme caricatures are not representative of anyone, really. But I'm not holding my breath.


MrPapis t1_jd0uqwh wrote

Honestly if we really poke at it it seems we are hitting the limitations of human nature against the modern world. Where people used to burn witches and ridiculing people that they couldn't understand it's so sad to see the same "looked down upon" people(atleast in their mind) continue immoral and virtue signaling instead of trying to see a truth. But that's the thing, accepting our own narrow mindedness and actively expanding it when met with true adversity/differing opinion is gonna be the strength to garner. I personally see autistic people as some sort of a development as they seem to have a much more rigid and firm understanding of truth and knows better than to delve into arguments they cannot succesfully relate to ie. Understanding the actual truth instead of a limited or broken understanding. Note I do understand this is not all autism is and there is definitely severe consequences to the condition. But I hope that part of it can be forced on what is basically a broken mind with a computer brain interface. So that instead of acting out of ignorance and human limitation, we can reach beyond and speak real truths based on data and evidence. Much like many autistic people do. But will it enforce truth or will we still ignore a truth that isn't beneficial to us? How strong will our subjective mind be against the hard structured data of which the internet comprises. I choose to believe that most people are good and what we are seeing is a vocal minority faltering. And I also believe that the way to win is by giving the other cheek. I don't look down upon you for speaking against it, i have done so myself. All I can say is that the only way to truly align with people is with acceptance and understanding. And we can only start with out selves. Giving them something to fight and group against will not make them succumb to reason. But a kind heart might.


themagicbong t1_jd1kaah wrote

You've got a nice way of putting to words ideas that I sometimes struggle to communicate, but I definitely would have to agree that coming together is vastly superior to basically any alternative. We're at a point where you have entire nations with people living next door to one another seeing each other as enemies. It almost sounds laughable to even consider that we COULD tackle some of the crazy issues we now face, given how little unity there ever seems to be on anything.

I'm someone who had a bit of a rough go of it, early in life. I had ADD/ADHD combined (not sure what it is nowadays, but thats what I WAS diagnosed with, in the 90s.) and always struggled with school. Then struggled with addiction for a while right out of highschool. These hardships, I feel, gave me far better perspective on the human psyche. And a bit of insight into just how similar we all are to one another. I really hate the idea nowadays of just throwing the whole person away, and I definitely think positive change is possible. I'll have to try and remember to always be civil, as you mention, as it really is the only way to cut through the bullshit a lot of the time.

Your final thoughts on the matter, there, echo my own quite nicely. I think that usually if you can get far enough along with any given person, that you can find SOME kind of common ground or understanding. Most of the time. I do hope that we (the collective we, lol) can learn to put aside our differences to a much greater degree than we do today. It almost seems like we've taken a few steps back in that area, though, in the last decade or so. One thing is for sure, to me, though, and its that extreme views really don't promote much positive change, even if you personally believe your cause to be righteous.