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man_in_blak t1_iuf8ce4 wrote

We saw the movie down here in the US, too.


sunnyboy1D t1_iuf8wv3 wrote

Terry was a true Canadian hero! Good choice of costume.


dunvilsteev t1_iuf929p wrote

wow, what some people will do for a good costume !!


beenburnedbutable t1_iuf9zvw wrote

Not from Canada, but I certainly know and appreciate this.


babysnoot t1_iuff6uw wrote

In Canada, we grow up celebrating Terry Fox day every year and most school aged kids (and many adult) participate in the "Terry Fox Run" to raise money for cancer research. It's not just a movie in Canada.


EchoPublic t1_iufjbih wrote

Awesome bro 🫑 respect


talkingbiscuits t1_iufk05y wrote

I'm English, but yeah Terry was a legend. This is a really wholesome costume


Scevs t1_iufmhjp wrote

Looking good Terry. Simple and on point. You wouldn’t believe it but some people will spend an arm and a leg on their costumes.


greatodinsravin t1_iufoikw wrote

"If Terry Fox ran for 143 days he smashed 143 broads, and that’s probably fuckin’ light.”


jpbay t1_iufp9gv wrote

Not Canadian, but I know it! Well played!


TheClamSauce t1_iufpfr4 wrote

I read it as Marathon of Hop. Lol i'm sorry.


loriteggie t1_iufrcqx wrote

I’m an American and I appreciate it. Course I’m from Wisconsin, so near by.


HanDavo t1_iuftij3 wrote

I don't think a Halloween has ever made me tear up before. Brilliant.


FestiveSquid t1_iufwuj6 wrote

Canadian flag but map of United States... wut?


chumchees t1_iug8gwh wrote

I remember in grade 5/6 we had an assembly to learn about Terry Fox. After it ended and we left the gym my friend imitated his walk and he got in trouble from a teacher.


BSB8728 t1_iug953u wrote

Here's an American who appreciates it!


SLBue19 t1_iuga0f2 wrote

When I’m having a bad day, I picture him with his leg bleeding still going. And try not to emulate him toooo much.


megamisch t1_iugba28 wrote

Hell ya dude, a legendary costume to honor a legendary guy. :3


Human_Robot t1_iugdtjz wrote

Marathon of hop? I feel like I'm missing a reference...


Hugsworth t1_iugf3hj wrote

Dark humor is like food. Some people get it and some people don't.


Strix-7 t1_iugftf6 wrote

This man is really committed to his costume, he even amputated his leg for it!


PointyWombat t1_iugge9l wrote

Where does one even buy a shirt so fk'd up....???


Sreg32 t1_iughw7h wrote

Love what Terry did, but not this. American maple leaf doing Terry as a Halloween costume. No thanks. Terry died trying to make money for cancer research. This isn’t in good taste


tdfast t1_iugi6is wrote

Do people really not know who Terry Fox is? Not only was he the greatest Canadian ever, he was the original Fuck Cancer guy!

Also what the fuck is up with that shirt?why is it of the US?


Free-Palpitation t1_iugo6z7 wrote

I'm from Terry's hometown, I think it would be appreciated here!

Very nice, I lvoe it!


Mr_OP_Potato_777 t1_iugth5d wrote

The effort he put into getting into character that he cut his own leg.


Blarghnog t1_iugv7uj wrote

Don’t have to be Canadian to know what a hero looks like.


dustysmufflah t1_iugve7q wrote

I don't know anything about prosthetic tech advancements but yours sure looks a lot more protective from the elements than Terry's was.

Watched his doc as a kid and I still remember the blood...


I_mostly_lie t1_iugw8f5 wrote

I thought it said marathon of hop…


MoreMegadeth t1_iuh5oe6 wrote

The wrinkle in β€œhope” is so fortunate


jwilcoxwilcox t1_iuhetix wrote

Have a friend in a wheelchair join you as Rick Hansen!


hopelesscaribou t1_iuhgog9 wrote

You can see the 'E' in 'HOPE' in the fold of the t-shirt.

In 1980, Terry's journey to raise money for cancer research began and he called it the Marathon of Hope. With fierce determination and hope, Terry completed an average of 42 km each day, every day for 143 days. He ran a total of 5,373 km. Terry's Route Across Canada.

The only joke is the map of the US on his shirt that OP didn't notice!

(Sorry OP! Here's a fun fact for your pain...nowhere is the race more popular than Cuba!)

Cuba - 1998. In 2005, over 1.9 million people used 3,600 sites. In 2006, it had around 2.6 million participants. The tenth run in 2007 had 4,652 sites and 2.267 million runners.


jolsen13 t1_iuhlkxl wrote

Great costume! This guy wins Halloween.


SaintedRomaine t1_iuhorrn wrote

If Terry Fox was still alive he’d be smashing J.Lo and J Law on Scar Jo’s boat.


Mulligan315 t1_iuhpv46 wrote

Some risk of having a bunch of β€œtruckers” set up camp next to you.


the_doughboy t1_iuhsn2t wrote

It is much better than a Mjolner costume.


namvet67 t1_iui05cn wrote

I’m from Pennsylvania and l get it.


krokadog t1_iui1ulp wrote

Ah yes, the marathon of β€œhop”. A fitting tribute.


Flatulator1 t1_iuind4g wrote

Howard Stern was a runner? Just kidding, great tribute to a Canadian icon.