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Assholesfullofelbows t1_iug3kom wrote

While you rewatch how I met your mother for the 475th time.

Been there pal


willy--wanka t1_iugmo6s wrote

Something about Marshall's antics really make the room less lonely.


TeeDubb1 t1_iuhn008 wrote

Gilmore Girls. So. Much. Gilmore Girls.


fire2day t1_iuguw0q wrote

With my wife it's Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy and every couple years, ER.


ForeverTheElf t1_iuh713d wrote

Friends and Big Bang Theory for my fiancé. She says she likes the comfort of knowing what happens.


Peace5ells t1_iuie4ma wrote

My wife says the exact same thing. Thanks to anxiety and pregnancy (3 yrs ago), she's only willing to watch about 1-4 new things a year now.


The_Observatory_ t1_iuij86d wrote

Same. My wife binged-watched the series immediately after our daughter was born.


Edit: and now I will have "Let's go to the Mall... Today!" stuck in my head for the rest of the day.


puffsmokies t1_iuk25a8 wrote

Well, hadn't thought of that in about 7 years. Now it'll be stuck in my head too. Thanks a lot!


itayfeder t1_iuhyhv0 wrote

Just watched it for the first time. Great show


Izzy1790 t1_iuis9br wrote

I feel personally attacked. My fiancee and I love Christmas and our tree is going up tomorrow and we watch HIMYM to fall asleep at night.