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SableSlate OP t1_ixtlhfg wrote

Let me know if you want to see more creations. There's an orchid!


yoshigronk t1_ixtmaad wrote

I, a random stranger, am also proud of you for taking the risk and doing something you wanted to do.


-Blixx- t1_ixtntox wrote

That’s super pretty. What would one do with an oversized flower?

I also want to see the orchid, please.


Hcmp1980 t1_ixtoggt wrote

Gorgeous! More pics please x


HowCouldYouSMH t1_ixtohtx wrote

That’s amazing. Being an artist is rough, good for you for giving it a go. You are incredibly talented. Cheers


seanafeisteen t1_ixttx4c wrote

What made you start the business and any idea why it didn't take off? I could totally see a market for this.


SableSlate OP t1_ixtulrm wrote

I saw ONE oversized flower on the internet and it was by a Bulgarian woman. All kinds of videos all over Eastern Europe of tutorials and was like "whaaaa - I wanna do that!" "Wow" so I made a couple wedding backdrops for friends for free. After that, I just didn't know where to go with it to get reputation.


JayHeltrato t1_ixtuqn4 wrote

This is passion and amazing! Love it gif


GreatsquareofPegasus t1_ixtxkqo wrote

It's all good! I've started two businesses and they both flopped after an incredible amount of work and time.

It's just business.


Status-Ad1464 t1_ixuavvm wrote

u have a great figure ... jeans compliment you


lux901 t1_ixubbvj wrote

I'd buy that


TatoIndy t1_ixuehbs wrote

Good idea - wrong market. These would be better suited for consumer events and attractions.


SableSlate OP t1_ixuybww wrote

That's a good question. I was thinking people who maybe are allergic to flowers but love flowers. Or maybe people who love Alice in Wonderland. I actually sent an email to Disney asking if I could recreate all their flowers from that movie for an installation and they said no. Ha.


SableSlate OP t1_ixuylmm wrote

Ya it's a nice compliment but the wrong place for that. I'm clearly showing off a piece of artwork I created, not my body. My body and dog are just there for size reference.


Grove-Of-Hares t1_ixuzfl5 wrote

Those are cool! My wife runs a business selling crocheted items, often with hand dyed high quality yarn from other business owners. I’ve seen firsthand how difficult it can be to make it all work.

These would be awesome at events like weddings, too. My wife made the flowers at ours.


hootsmcboots t1_ixvefje wrote

Out of curiosity, who was the target audience of this?


duglarri t1_ixvu3y4 wrote

This being Reddit, we all want to know more about the dog...


chiralityfudge t1_ixw8pqn wrote

Never had the guts to start a business. Probably never will. Good luck to you.