Submitted by Gettingolderalready t3_z8lklm in pics
youmisunderstood t1_iyc4n30 wrote
Oh, you mean haunting camp.
Hippyemowitch t1_iyc511i wrote
Literally came to say this exact thing
EvilRedRobot t1_iyc5gyl wrote
Was Jonathan Storm attending by any chance?
keyboardstatic t1_iyc5ib1 wrote
Did you start a bush fire?
Deep-Conflict2223 t1_iyc68fu wrote
Me showing up to the campfire and seeing that shit:
Eddings_06 t1_iyc7srl wrote
Looks… safe
DependentCanary7009 t1_iyc85ka wrote
It wants to dance with you
Pachyderm_Powertrip t1_iyc9h2t wrote
Why does your hunting camp need a fence?
senselesssht t1_iyc9ia8 wrote
“I am not what you would call a smart man. The good lord chose - “
IncognitoGinge t1_iycaboy wrote
burning man seems abit small
OfCourseIKnowHim t1_iycb80h wrote
To keep out the burning witches… oh…
Difficult_Chemist_33 t1_iyccbcx wrote
Hey thats Hades
Bubbykitten t1_iyccj1l wrote
You have exorcised the demons! This camp is clear!
Salt_Restaurant_7820 t1_iycfwbn wrote
I spy magic hat
TonySoprano25 t1_iychd5y wrote
Duffman66CMU t1_iyciu5a wrote
Good job exorcising those demons. He’s doing jumping jacks.
GuerillaKoopa t1_iycsdfl wrote
Nice little wildfire at the murder cabin.
PUNCH-THE-SUN t1_iyd2j8m wrote
As an Australian... This scares the fuck out of me.
Gettingolderalready OP t1_iydbh4n wrote
Once or twice a year yes…that’s me. Be well and have a great rest of your week.
Gettingolderalready OP t1_iydbu3l wrote
That’s how they bought the place twenty some years ago and to be honest with all the illegal immigration happening in the area it’s a small deterrent to keep them away from the house and also keeps wild hogs out of the immediate vicinity of the camp house as well.
OtterProper t1_iydhdl3 wrote
Those new meth monks sure do go up with a quickness.
TheDeafGuy8 t1_iydvyw7 wrote
So was that after you finished hunting the guy down?
k-murder t1_iydx1s7 wrote
As an Arizonan, same.
OtakuJuanma t1_iyc4loy wrote
I love the smell of burned witch in the evening.