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Gluten_Tolerant_2 t1_ixdu1rv wrote

Is this a food bank situation?


Eatingdap00p00 OP t1_ixduug1 wrote

Yeah as long as you're not over 300 percent of the poverty threshold you can go here once a month and get a lot of good stuff. This is one of the lighter batches.


Gluten_Tolerant_2 t1_ixdyl7e wrote

What income would equal 300% of the poverty threshold ?

I'm not an American.


Eatingdap00p00 OP t1_ixe4z5o wrote

Where I am I believe it's about 38,600 USD.


Gluten_Tolerant_2 t1_ixfbk1u wrote

Individual or Household income? So based on a 40 hour work week $19.30 is under the poverty line in the USA?


AlternativeUse t1_ixffemo wrote

I can’t answer for sure, but $19/hr is like what teenagers who get their first fast food job make. And you can barely even rent a room for that here. A shorty room at that