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wmorris33026 t1_j2178rn wrote

He taught me calculus and a ton of molecular biology. An amazing resource and it’s totally free. He definitely deserves a medal.


surajvj t1_j20iafh wrote

Father of online teaching


vanillaacid t1_j216vmm wrote

Eeeeeeeveeybody loves Raymond Salman.


JoelOttoKickedItIn t1_j20pucl wrote

My son learned to read by age 4, and this man is pretty much the reason why.


HEYBILLYMAYSHERE t1_j20r9pb wrote

I would not have passed o chem if it wasn’t for this man


CommercializedPan t1_j21kxs4 wrote

I lived on his calc and physics videos in college- I think I probably learned more from them than I did from most of my professors.


LaaSirena t1_j22mtna wrote

This guy saved me when schools were shutting down and going online for covid! The way math is taught now is so different from when I was learning as a kid. When my kids were doing school online, I would go to Khan Academy the night before each lesson to see how they were supposed to be learning it now so I could help my kids learn the next day's lesson. The math and chemistry lessons were a huge lifeline. Every summer, I ask the kids to do two KA lessons a day in math and it has really helped them not to have those summertime backslides too. Salman Khan deserves a medal!


Jcod47 t1_j207gcy wrote

When I saw the name ‘Salman Khan’ I was thinking of another guy by the same name; a little more famous than this guy.


livingdream111 t1_j21uk63 wrote

Khan Academy has gotten my boys through so many math classes! I’m so grateful to Salman Kahn and the teachers who have contributed.


0net t1_j21xuoy wrote

My kids use khan academy every Saturday and Sunday morning. Very thankful for that!


MenosDaBear t1_j21v1th wrote

I remember checking khan academy out back in like 2010 and hoping he was able to get it to take off. Super happy reading these comments. It seems like it has done very well


eitaporra t1_j20yb5f wrote

Man, I wish his stuff existed while I was in school.


DifferenceNo5776 t1_j23cdqo wrote

He’s helped me out in the last decade as an adult with my career. Wish he was around when I was still in school


chi3310 t1_j23ukca wrote

Annie Liebovits works are always look glamour and majestic but not this one, she really captured the humbleness of Khan, awesome photo and concept.


HCResident t1_j23x5k4 wrote

The man, the myth, the legend


OCDcuber t1_j223zrd wrote

I just want to know what drawing software he uses.


t1chy t1_j23puvr wrote

so true lmao, it looks so good on their videos


NumberT3n t1_j23yzzx wrote

Thanks for helping me pass computational theory


Gotosp4c3 t1_j23zygq wrote

I remember this guy back at the beginning, and now to see him go so far. Truly admirable.


JustCheerTorrance t1_j248arw wrote

He might be great to some, but try watching this with a bunch of high schoolers.


WhiskeyVault t1_j24c6pg wrote

His videos do well with a lot of people who are self-motivated but have bad real life instructors or resources.


IAmABurdenOnSociety t1_j249skd wrote

If the Khan Academy had been around in the 1980s, I would have skipped the social hell that was High School!


yinzerthrowaway412 t1_j24faie wrote

Dude completely carried me to my bachelors degree. He was honestly a better teacher for me than any of my STEM college professors lol


No_Reporter_5949 t1_j23bkgp wrote

hes not actually that good at explaining things. some of his vids are really hard to follow.
