Submitted by GoodMornEveGoodNight t3_zzjhnu in pics
CaliBigWill t1_j2bz6j5 wrote
I bet that place smelled ripe. Like a big fart. All that good food and its balanced with a lot of fiber.
GoodMornEveGoodNight OP t1_j2bztd0 wrote
Eat well to think well bro, if you can
YachtWithAFlag t1_j2c1z5a wrote
What comment from OP, I'd upvote twice if I could.
guyfromcleveland t1_j2c2371 wrote
Federal prisons are generally known for having better food because it's been shown that's the best thing to prevent unrest.
AdLate7836 t1_j2c30b8 wrote
Hold the purée mongole. I’ll take the electrical chair.
rwisdom64 t1_j2c4gmz wrote
Better than the nasty cheese sandwiches day after day in the Seattle jail, lol
redneckhatr t1_j2c6779 wrote
I’ve always thought dinner and supper where the same meal. Was I wrong?
KaBar2 t1_j2c6s0a wrote
In Southern states, especially in years past, the last meal of the day was called "supper," and the mid-day meal was called "dinner." I'm 72. My grandparents used these terms.
zoltarpanaflex t1_j2c7rjr wrote
My Floridan grandparents did too
East_Pickle_2833 t1_j2c9miz wrote
Someday I will visit this place
junkyardpig t1_j2cavbh wrote
What do you put catsup on when you're working with split pea soup, baked beans, salad, canned pears, and coffee?
pixelwhistle t1_j2cb6ho wrote
Baked beans, I put ketchup on my baked beans
gauchoguerro t1_j2ccxxo wrote
Got dammit Lenny we ain’t got no ketchep
fixfoxfax t1_j2cdj0n wrote
I was wondering about the catsup with the Mexican soup and beef pot pie.
runrein10 t1_j2cewsr wrote
Better than downdog
c33m0n3y t1_j2cfxy4 wrote
It is an amazing place to visit. Make sure to setup reservations for the ferry well ahead of time-much, much cheaper than the onsite resellers.
elTorodelNorte t1_j2ci7c8 wrote
Aware_Style1181 t1_j2ck9q4 wrote
Disciplinary Loaf a/k/a Prison Loaf a/k/a NutraLoaf not on the menu.
IncaseofER t1_j2cl1gq wrote
I was wondering about that and the Yarina for Friday breakfast. Looks like maybe a local brand name for some type of cereal but google doesn’t have anything?
jimycrakdcorn_nicare t1_j2clowk wrote
I think this is a looks better on paper kinda deal. It was probably disgusting. This is prison food. I can poop in a bowl and add water and there is your bean soup.
BetaRho t1_j2co2tm wrote
Puree mongole is a split pea and tomato soup, popular in the era.
And the Friday breakfast if farina, which is a hot cereal.
IncaseofER t1_j2cqy9c wrote
Thanks! I thought the “F “ was a “y”!
neanderhummus t1_j2cuoyy wrote
“I’m not trapped in here with you, you’re trapped in heat with me”
skinwill t1_j2d0qo1 wrote
So, prisoner’s in the 40’s ate better than US public school students do now?
jackofallwagons t1_j2d1h30 wrote
Very true. Exactly what the tour guide said.
ChampionshipLow8541 t1_j2d3a2t wrote
And we feed fries and pizzas to our school kids …
dickman136 t1_j2d663b wrote
I haven’t slept in 28 hours thought this said Auschwitz’s at first. Read the menu and was like wait a second ww2 ended before 46.
Flaapjack t1_j2d8vx1 wrote
Same with submarines.
Snufflarious t1_j2daaa2 wrote
I also looked it up but now I don’t know what chervil tastes like
thebenks1 t1_j2dbvx8 wrote
Also Auschwitz wasn’t known for feeding its denizens a full and varied menu
midnghtsquattr t1_j2df1ok wrote
still better than what i eat now
anaserre t1_j2dg3ra wrote
I was incarcerated in a county jail in Oklahoma for a couple months, and although it wasn’t as good as this…it wasn’t bad. Not much in the way of fresh fruits or veggies, you had to buy coffee and tea yourself, but they kept you full.
mcaffrey81 t1_j2dggzj wrote
You’re confusing catsup with updog
pixelwhistle t1_j2dkgyn wrote
This boah does
HeavenHellorHoboken t1_j2dnfgp wrote
Supper! Not too many people still use that term.
Few_Improvement_8673 t1_j2drtjr wrote
They ate pretty good for being in prison.
Cacachuli t1_j2dsf0x wrote
I don’t think it was only southern states. As you can see here it was also in California. Dinner was the largest meal of the day, usually served at lunchtime. Supper was a lighter evening meal.
I think rural people had largest meal at noon. City people had largest meal after getting home from work.
So as people become more urbanized dinner became synonymous with the evening meal.
Virtual-Relation-765 t1_j2dup4p wrote
My thoughts exactly
blue_27 t1_j2dv11p wrote
Why ... coffee for dinner?
blue_27 t1_j2dvfp0 wrote
In the Navy, onboard a ship, there is a bell and it will tell you what meal is being served in the galley. I'd been onboard for weeks (maybe months) before I figured out that supper meant dinner. Honestly, I didn't give a shit. The bell rang, and food was in the galley. I was very Pavlovian by then. One day, it just clicked that they were calling 'lunch' "dinner".
And I think those dudes in Alcatraz ate better than we did ...
sproutsandnapkins t1_j2dvp99 wrote
Lots of “healthy” options but I’m the most shocked at Mustard greens.
Virtual-Relation-765 t1_j2dwdzd wrote
Better than..? This is not an example of what federal or state prisoners are offered today. Currently, the food is nutritionally adequate but hardly something intended to squelch inevitable tensions. It’s not supposed to be “good.”
turboclock t1_j2dy0u7 wrote
Yeah public school lunches are garbage. The regulations were supposed to make things better for students but just made portions lower while keeping the same disgusting, unhealthy food.
gn0xious t1_j2dyolm wrote
Pizza is a vegetable
gn0xious t1_j2dz53p wrote
I’ve done both the day and night tours. The day tour was during feet week and the Blue Angels were doing low flybys right next to the prison. The night tour was cool, very different vibe.
gn0xious t1_j2dz7kc wrote
What’s updog?
the_original_Retro t1_j2e2fbq wrote
Unless it has pineapple and ham.
Then it's a travesty.
mcaffrey81 t1_j2e2gap wrote
Nothing. What’s up with you?
gn0xious t1_j2e36x3 wrote
I knew you were waiting hours for someone to ask :)
mcaffrey81 t1_j2e3u41 wrote
The internet needs more people like you. Happy New Year!
[deleted] t1_j2e5c2w wrote
aknabi t1_j2e5mdd wrote
Well at least for state need to ensure those prisoners don’t get parole…. Bad for increasing sales/profits.
Purp1eC0bras t1_j2e7s6k wrote
Lunch and dinner have some similarities
runrein10 t1_j2eb3ol wrote
I was waiting for hours for this and the one time Reddit doesn’t alert me!
typhoidmarry t1_j2ecd5h wrote
Puree Mongole?
ApexDP t1_j2eeqk8 wrote
How unCanadian of you.
guyfromcleveland t1_j2ef159 wrote
There is plenty of evidence and experience among people who actually know what they are talking about that better food in prison reduces unrest.
Virtual-Relation-765 t1_j2egtrk wrote
Better conditions would ideally reduce unrest, the theory is solid. The actual practice of providing ‘better food’ is not consistent throughout the federal prison system.
StrictSorbet9799 t1_j2egtyl wrote
What’s the difference between dinner and supper? I thought they were the same thing
0rion71 t1_j2ekeme wrote
Catsup is protein, Ketchup is a different recipe using tomatoes
IronSnail t1_j2el3fq wrote
My family always used supper for the general last meal of the day and dinner if it was more formal
GoodMornEveGoodNight OP t1_j2elb7a wrote
Apparently dinner used to be lunch, and supper used to be dinner! In the American south at least
StrictSorbet9799 t1_j2elmzz wrote
Awesome! A quick google search didn’t clear it up so I’m glad you knew, thanks!
GoodMornEveGoodNight OP t1_j2elxkw wrote
You’re welcome! They still use these terms in certain Catholic monasteries in the American south
dadwillsue t1_j2eri02 wrote
Don’t worry dude, we’ll just pass some more regulation. That’ll solve it! /s
johnny_abington t1_j2exi2l wrote
Today, the food service would be privatized and they would spend .45 a meal for each inmate.
Connect_Office8072 t1_j2f0hv8 wrote
A few years ago, as part of a document review, I read some menus from Alabama state prison and they looked horrible - all starch and fat, very little fresh food, except sometimes collard greens.
Mike81890 t1_j2f6oxq wrote
Feet week
Mike81890 t1_j2f6qrw wrote
Supposedly Alcatraz in particular abided by this proviso, being an island and all
xnago_tyr_sires t1_j2f802g wrote
That's also a thing in SF
hyperchickenwing t1_j2f9cdt wrote
They eat better than most of the US public in general nowadays. We can't afford shit these days
Smileyjoe72 t1_j2fbpix wrote
If you go on the tour there’s a whole thing about how bad the food was. The dining hall was equipped with tear gas that could be released in a riot and they still rioted over the spaghetti.
ITeachAll t1_j2fd227 wrote
Tell me bout the wabbits George!
Justin__D t1_j2fhwdf wrote
ILPT: If you get arrested, make sure it's for a federal crime.
gn0xious t1_j2fnlv9 wrote
Watch where you step!
SmoovSamurai t1_j2fwnwb wrote
When did we invent lunch? Because this says breakfast,Dinner, and supper.
Swedishiron t1_j2fwvgs wrote
sleep with one eye open
V3rtigo44 t1_j2byu24 wrote
Those prisoners ate better than i do, goddamn