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V3rtigo44 t1_j2byu24 wrote

Those prisoners ate better than i do, goddamn


CaliBigWill t1_j2bz6j5 wrote

I bet that place smelled ripe. Like a big fart. All that good food and its balanced with a lot of fiber.


guyfromcleveland t1_j2c2371 wrote

Federal prisons are generally known for having better food because it's been shown that's the best thing to prevent unrest.


AdLate7836 t1_j2c30b8 wrote

Hold the purée mongole. I’ll take the electrical chair.


rwisdom64 t1_j2c4gmz wrote

Better than the nasty cheese sandwiches day after day in the Seattle jail, lol


redneckhatr t1_j2c6779 wrote

I’ve always thought dinner and supper where the same meal. Was I wrong?


KaBar2 t1_j2c6s0a wrote

In Southern states, especially in years past, the last meal of the day was called "supper," and the mid-day meal was called "dinner." I'm 72. My grandparents used these terms.


junkyardpig t1_j2cavbh wrote

What do you put catsup on when you're working with split pea soup, baked beans, salad, canned pears, and coffee?


fixfoxfax t1_j2cdj0n wrote

I was wondering about the catsup with the Mexican soup and beef pot pie.


Aware_Style1181 t1_j2ck9q4 wrote

Disciplinary Loaf a/k/a Prison Loaf a/k/a NutraLoaf not on the menu.


skinwill t1_j2d0qo1 wrote

So, prisoner’s in the 40’s ate better than US public school students do now?


dickman136 t1_j2d663b wrote

I haven’t slept in 28 hours thought this said Auschwitz’s at first. Read the menu and was like wait a second ww2 ended before 46.


anaserre t1_j2dg3ra wrote

I was incarcerated in a county jail in Oklahoma for a couple months, and although it wasn’t as good as this…it wasn’t bad. Not much in the way of fresh fruits or veggies, you had to buy coffee and tea yourself, but they kept you full.


Cacachuli t1_j2dsf0x wrote

I don’t think it was only southern states. As you can see here it was also in California. Dinner was the largest meal of the day, usually served at lunchtime. Supper was a lighter evening meal.

I think rural people had largest meal at noon. City people had largest meal after getting home from work.

So as people become more urbanized dinner became synonymous with the evening meal.


blue_27 t1_j2dv11p wrote

Why ... coffee for dinner?


blue_27 t1_j2dvfp0 wrote

In the Navy, onboard a ship, there is a bell and it will tell you what meal is being served in the galley. I'd been onboard for weeks (maybe months) before I figured out that supper meant dinner. Honestly, I didn't give a shit. The bell rang, and food was in the galley. I was very Pavlovian by then. One day, it just clicked that they were calling 'lunch' "dinner".

And I think those dudes in Alcatraz ate better than we did ...


sproutsandnapkins t1_j2dvp99 wrote

Lots of “healthy” options but I’m the most shocked at Mustard greens.


turboclock t1_j2dy0u7 wrote

Yeah public school lunches are garbage. The regulations were supposed to make things better for students but just made portions lower while keeping the same disgusting, unhealthy food.


gn0xious t1_j2dz53p wrote

I’ve done both the day and night tours. The day tour was during feet week and the Blue Angels were doing low flybys right next to the prison. The night tour was cool, very different vibe.


StrictSorbet9799 t1_j2egtyl wrote

What’s the difference between dinner and supper? I thought they were the same thing


0rion71 t1_j2ekeme wrote

Catsup is protein, Ketchup is a different recipe using tomatoes


johnny_abington t1_j2exi2l wrote

Today, the food service would be privatized and they would spend .45 a meal for each inmate.


Connect_Office8072 t1_j2f0hv8 wrote

A few years ago, as part of a document review, I read some menus from Alabama state prison and they looked horrible - all starch and fat, very little fresh food, except sometimes collard greens.


Smileyjoe72 t1_j2fbpix wrote

If you go on the tour there’s a whole thing about how bad the food was. The dining hall was equipped with tear gas that could be released in a riot and they still rioted over the spaghetti.


SmoovSamurai t1_j2fwnwb wrote

When did we invent lunch? Because this says breakfast,Dinner, and supper.