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t1_j2ceod6 wrote

"You're damaging an entire industry." - Barbara Walters, to Corey Feldman when he was attempting to expose the pedophiles in Hollywood that molested him as a child.

Fuck her.


t1_j2dlq7w wrote

Bitch apparntly had no problems using her looks to climb up the ladder and expects that everyone else should do it too - including children. Revolting.


t1_j2c2p42 wrote

She did very well for herself but some of her interviews were questionable.


t1_j2di445 wrote

There's a caravan missing a pair of curtains somewhere.


t1_j2c3n6k wrote

I saw this pic taken a few years before I was born, and I realized that she was absolutely stunning in her younger years. I always thought of her as grandmotherly, but I missed this part of her career or was too young to appreciate it. That made me wonder how old she is/was. off to google I go, brb

Oh. F


t1_j2e3zi8 wrote

Daaaaayum y’all, we just lost a National treasure… mmm mm mm