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Chairboy OP t1_j1qqb8e wrote

Our corgis went nuts and bolted out to the back back yard and when I looked at what had them so excited, they were circling maybe a half a ton (guessing livestock weight is not my specialty, bad code is) of irritated bull.

They wanted to herd him soooo badly, but we didn’t want them to herd him into our house or get yeeted into the next county so we called them in and set up a few barricades to keep him in this part of the yard (while trying not to think about how he pushed his way through a fence already).

We tracked down the farm owners next door and they came over to collect him, pulling apart some of the fence to entice him back with alfalfa (there were some exciting moments when he was running around our yard patch and charging at me then feinting, that was neat and by neat I mean kinda scary but I hardly screamed at all.

They reassembled the fence and will put up a hot wire a few feet over but it was an exciting Christmas.