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Playingpokerwithgod t1_j2d93ap wrote

So, how's 2023 going so far?


kspjrthom4444 t1_j2dio7e wrote

Zzzt... radio silence


Jupiter642 t1_j2dtb4r wrote

HELP U *krrrr* sss *high pitched screaming*THEY ARE *beeeeeeeeeeeep* YWHERE *person screams from getting stabbed* PLEASE *beeeepp krrrrrrr* OUR LAST *mauling sounds* *dogs barking* OUT OF HERE *scream* *liquid splashes on mic* RUARRRR QAGLQAGL WUAHHRRR *something bites into mic* *flatlining beep*


jpow5734 t1_j2frpze wrote

It can’t get any worse than it already is can it… can it?!


Zeohawk t1_j2ft6g7 wrote

Oh shit is it finally zombie apocalypse time


Crusader-NZ- t1_j2du8sz wrote

4 hours in, pretty quiet so far, which I am happy about.


HearTheTrumpets t1_j2f2pd7 wrote

Dont say that, you will jinx the rest of the planet.


Crusader-NZ- t1_j2fa9f6 wrote

10 hours in now, still pretty quiet. Really should go to sleep though...


rachstee t1_j2fexc0 wrote

So far it's a bit headachey. Likely to do with alcohol consumed rather than the state of things


kinsmana t1_j2fhd9f wrote

Since you're in the future, Can you look up who wins the Carolina at Tampa Bay NFL game? I'm putting in my sports betting picks and have no idea who wins this one. I'll share the profits - next year.