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pseudocultist t1_j6d3fgg wrote

Reply to comment by Thedrunner2 in This Sashimi platter by PhillyPhresh

Also how many is this expected to feed? I would want to try everything but would maybe get 4-5 pieces in.


Ffsletmesignin t1_j6erbr2 wrote

Me. I ain’t sharing with anyone, love sashimi but it is anything but filling.


cecil021 t1_j6fybgb wrote

Yeah, I could eat all of this easily.


farfacogin t1_j6fyhwm wrote

That’s why you order the miso with it


sik0fewl t1_j6gcodc wrote

Like a bucket of paste?


purpleddit t1_j6id8cs wrote

Miso soup, literally the single most common accompaniment for sushi besides ginger and wasabi.


Exciting-Meringue-85 t1_j6gtg27 wrote

> love sashimi but it is anything but filling.

There is a point there where one eats till not hungry anymore instead of full. Being said, can get to the not hungry state within a few pieces, but can take a few dozen to get full.

kind of like with rotisserie chickens... buy one and portion it out and can make food for like 3-4 days when portion controlled right. However, can also eat the whole damn thing in a single sitting to "get full", and then some.