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Ace_of_Sevens t1_j69q5iq wrote

Are you a Baptist? Pretty much all other Christians do this.


charlesdexterward t1_j69rau1 wrote

My Lutheran church growing up did not. I occasionally saw this if I visited an evangelical friends youth group or something, but the arm was always bent like the lady in the grey coat, I never saw anyone do a full arm extension.


Not_Cleaver t1_j69t4lj wrote

Think I’ve seen it in a few Lutheran churches I’ve attended. Not sure my current Lutheran church does that. It was often to bless whoever was up there. I’m not sure I like it because it never felt natural to me. I guess if the spirit moves someone it’s okay. But I’ve never been comfortable with outward expressions of faith. Faith to me is something that’s private and expressions of it should be service to others.