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Plz_DM_Me_Small_Tits t1_j6fngv2 wrote

How is this insane? It's definitely a cool concept tho


SmashingK t1_j6ft0r2 wrote

I guess it's insane for some to see that in other countries there are people in charge that care for consumers.


Kerensky97 t1_j6fwpxc wrote

I'm still wrapping my head around it. Why would they do this? How does this help the big corporations over-charge consumers?

In the US I think they would make the stickers reversed so the barcode becomes more legible as the meat goes bad so they could sell old stock before it's a loss.


Codnasty t1_j6g5hxg wrote

No they just knock 1-3$ off it and say good luck


ItsCalledDayTwa t1_j6hcrsp wrote

"people in charge" "that care for consumers" NOT "over-charge consumers"


mtcabeza2 t1_j6k78kz wrote

the lobbyists representing the meat packing interests would claim that it is a severe economic burden that will cause them to go out of business putting thousands of people out of work. call me cynical.


Topken89 t1_j6gpx5q wrote

How is this caring for consumers more than a posted best buy or freeze by date?


pypfm t1_j6gzvq4 wrote

A butcher/meat processor can put whatever date they like on the label...

IF you have tech like this, which reacts to meat degradation (via ammonia levels), then you have a much more accurate idea if the meat is still edible or not.


RHAmaxis t1_j6h0561 wrote

The dates are estimations and not guarantees that the meet is good. People package it and stamp it. People suck. This would be a more accurate way to determine if the meet was good. Hell all the shit talking that goes on about Walmart are people aware that they have a butcher? Put two and two together and it's not a stretch to assume the meats bad, despite the date


arbutus1440 t1_j6hddj1 wrote

...Did you read the post? It makes the bar code unscannable. So you literally can't walk out of the store with bad meat. So it's an extra level of safety. Plus it's just clearer and easier to see that it's gone bad as you're shopping.


sciamatic t1_j6gm9xz wrote

I have no idea what I'm looking at.

What's insane? It's two packages of meat.


Kbdiggity t1_j6gqe1u wrote

When the meat goes bad, the sticker changes obstructing the barcode so it can not be sold.


auspex t1_j6gqe86 wrote

The hour glass sticker shows how much time is left on the sell by date.

The meat on the right is 1/2 way through its “good by” time frame.


Partingoways t1_j6gukrv wrote

Pretty sure the bar code is already obstructed meaning it’s off


ItsCalledDayTwa t1_j6hcunt wrote

Do you see there is a caption which explains it?


N35t0r t1_j6hgb1l wrote

I don't see any captions.

Using RIF on mobile.


ItsCalledDayTwa t1_j6hgxz0 wrote

It's the title of the linked post.

edit: Downvoted but its literally the title of the linked post. That's why everybody knows what it says but the few downvoters who made it this far. I'm guessing you're using RIF which appears to kind of suck when sharing a post compared to other options.

Edit: why the fuck am I being downvoted for explaining this? Jesus. If I learned anything today, it's RIF isn't that good. I hated the interface but after doing the comparison here, its pretty obviously inferior since a subsection of users here cannot even figure out what's going on with this post and are angry about it, because apparently they can't see that it's sharing another post and they're confused by the interface tools which allow you to do that.


N35t0r t1_j6hllkp wrote

"insane" is not a caption that explains anything.


ItsCalledDayTwa t1_j6hlqmq wrote

In the title of the linked post, the title is not "insane", it's a description of how it works.

"In Japan, they put a barcode in the meat package that darkens when the meat spoils, reacting to ammonia. When it darkens, the barcode is unreadable."


Full_Temperature_920 t1_j6ia16o wrote

I'm on RIF as well, there's no linked post or link to anything. Clicking on the pic only brings you the pic. So for us its just a pic of Japanese meat captioned as insane


ItsCalledDayTwa t1_j6ianly wrote

You're downvoting me for not knowing how to use the app when I bothered to take the time to give you an explanation without any snark? What a nice individual you are.

I went to RIF because I also have it downloaded and to see the linked post in RIF, click at the top and in the box that appears, select "View original at /r/ThatsInsane".

I don't know why people like the RIF app so much, but then I really don't know why people use it and complain to others that they can't view the same stuff. It works fine in the official reddit app.


RHAmaxis t1_j6gzoto wrote

It's clever and deserves world wide implementation


Happy3532 t1_j6hd1w0 wrote

I wish we had this in the states.


Ok_Professional7703 t1_j6fnkiz wrote

Bring that to loblaws, metro, super c, maxi, any groceries in canada when we just don't know for how long the meat is there and or if the meat was repacking.
