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t1_j6k6ubu wrote

I make homemade uncrustables, freeze them, and then use all the crusts for bread pudding


OP t1_j6kktnm wrote

French toast sticks. Now bread pudding. I gotta write these down. I just eat them like a caveman. Lol.


t1_j6kl7ei wrote

Yes! Or I just throw the “bread pudding” mix with less sugar into muffin tins and make French toast muffins for breakfasts! Easy meal prepping


t1_j6jxacw wrote

The crust is the best part!


OP t1_j6jxq1v wrote

That's what I tell her but she don't want them. I'll gladly eat them.


t1_j6k129j wrote

How many sandwiches does your wife eat in a day?


OP t1_j6k27gq wrote

They are frozen and she eats them during the work week. 1 a day. Sometimes 2. Uncrustables are too expensive. gif


t1_j6l9rzg wrote

If this was on a menu at a diner for $5, I’d be tempted to order it.


t1_j6m6tya wrote

Do u dip the in more pb&j or maybe a touch of syrup or some other fun sauce? The possibilities are endless!!! Or do u just go ham? Either way is fine honestly just kinda curious :) congrats on the loot


OP t1_j6n1mmx wrote

So when I posted this would just caveman them and eat. Now I have a bread pudding, muffin, and French toast sticks recipes. So I probably won't just eat them anymore.


t1_j6ki12h wrote



t1_j6mtm6t wrote

The man could be married to someone under 18. It is legal in most US states, roughly half the world too.

The 1/2 your age + 7 rule still applies for not being creepy rhough.