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lighthousekeeper33 OP t1_j6e22s1 wrote


anonoman925 t1_j6e61m1 wrote

Baby products are incredibly caution heavy.

I wanted a walker for my kid because it’s a fantastic babysitter while I shower (stick a pillow under them and stick them in the bathroom with you).

I had a hell of a time finding one because parents like to use them on their second story.


Sam-Gunn t1_j6gdmev wrote

"...And I personally think it's absolutely negligent that your walker can't keep a kid safe while falling down a flight of stairs! Heck, the manual only mentions that risk 12 times!"


nightwingoracle t1_j6fnjsu wrote

There’s a legal standard it has to follow.


Kristina2pointoh t1_j6hx87u wrote

I feel like some kids burning up in the 70’s made the changes go into effect. Just, like, a lot of other stuff. Except guns in murica of course.


DexterGexter t1_j6injls wrote

You cannot find cotton nightgowns to purchase for children because so many kids died in fires back in the day, there’s a whole history to this I was really surprised to learn about it.