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KainBatrius t1_j5r2xdo wrote

What does it limit her to? Just calls and texts?


MaksouR t1_j5r4jh9 wrote

It’s funny how people brag about being a bad parent to the internet. Congrats on raising a kid that you have to punish!


Plurgasm0285 t1_j5r5jfl wrote

Shit like this is why she's gonna put you in a home one day 😂


TwistedAndFeckless t1_j5r8hiv wrote

As a fellow parent, that is amazing. :)

Learning the specific lesson of "Action -> Consequences" is critical to understand. This does not mean the punishment has to be harsh or over the top, as clearly this is purely an annoying type of punishment. :)

Good on you!


NuclearSlushie t1_j5regjm wrote

Yeah so my parents did shit like this to me as a kid. Ones dead and I couldn't care less and don't talk to the other at all. I guess what we don't do to our kids in this house? Go get your positive affirmations for your bad parenting skills somewhere else.. like parlor maybe 🤔. Don't take shit away or cuts your kids ties to the world.


TwistedAndFeckless t1_j61uiv7 wrote

As an adult ADHD, and with a child on the spectrum, I 100% agree.

I know, and practice daily, the soft/gentle verbal approach first to detail why I am unhappy with their actions, and the potential outcome of their actions. I want my kiddo to understand the reasoning, so that when my kiddo becomes an adult, he can have a happy and healthy life.

If my kiddo were to be on their phone until way past their bedtime, it would start off gentle at first (verbal only), and if the action continued despite my request and explanation, then my reaction slowly escalates. The next step would be disabling the wifi. Then, if it kept going, enforcing parental controls to limit the available hours of use. Lastly would be taking the phone away.