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war321321 t1_j6xfj7q wrote

The southside during normal business hours is completely safe…


cthulhu_on_my_lawn t1_j6yqslx wrote

That's fortunate for all the people going out to dinner during business hours I guess.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j74nego wrote

Dinner is normal business hours for a restaurant, and it’s still perfectly safe on the south side. Where you run into issues are places that are catering to the bar crowd after midnight. “Foodies” aren’t active at 2am.


Sheepfu t1_j6xxaog wrote

Unfortunately, this isn't really relevant when looking at historic consumer practices...and it usually down turns super fast when the major crime issues are shooting related.

People are a little more tolerant of smash and grab stuff, but outright gun fights will reflect on traffic regardless of when they're generally concentrated.