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SteelyFlan_DotCom t1_j9a9ksj wrote

Gave up on growing food years ago. Can't compete with city deer. Now we just grow flowers. Primarily Bee Balm and Marvel of Peru.


NineFootEightWeight OP t1_j9acpft wrote

You need a fence.

I'll bet I have the worst deer problem in all of Allegheny County.

Here's what I've found through trial-and-error:

A six-foot fence that deer can't see what's on the other side will work (e.g., wood picket fence).

If it's transparent, like a cyclone or mesh, needs to be eight-feet. I have a 7.5-foot fence around my orchard and deer jump over that like it's nothing.


DarthPapercut t1_j9b35sz wrote

Hahaha. Impressive. We need you to build our border wall. Joking joking
