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illcallyourightback OP t1_j9kw33f wrote

I'm not opposed to some good ole fashioned hose water every now and again. And I have a water purifier in the fridge. I just prefer the taste of spring water and buying in bulk is cheapest.


johnsonchicklet1993 t1_j9maliq wrote

Idk why you are getting downvoted to shit on literally everything you comment lol


Ok-Recording2620 t1_j9nbm37 wrote

It’s so funny because people are recommending things and are upvoted and then OPs replies are downvoted, about using the same things lol


illcallyourightback OP t1_j9oblqu wrote

Who knows. lol Everyone keeps saying "oH bUy A fIlTeR"!!! But I have a britta pitcher and even after the water is ran though it it still smells like it was coming right from the wavepool at sandcastle.


critzboombah t1_j9o6vy7 wrote

"spring water" is a marketing scheme and you've been duped, four times over!