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babyyodaisamazing98 t1_j9pzpu7 wrote

Hardly improved is a classic acclimation bias. It’s like when people say battery tech hasn’t improved.

The technology has made giant leaps and bounds over the last 20 years.

Blind spot sensors, automatic parking, auto lane changing, automatic emergency braking, and full self driving in geofenced areas are all standard technology now that didn’t exist 15 years ago.

It might not be as far along as some people would like, but it’s made huge progress in a short time.


Vozegro t1_j9q0fzz wrote

Yeah and in the last 5 it has not, despite spending increasing 1000x. No huge progress has been made, just like with batteries. The technology is reaching its plateau.


Volts-2545 t1_j9r6kba wrote

I test FSD systems and promise you that these systems have improved greatly. Just because they’re not ready yet doesn’t mean they are a failure. Just needs another few years to cook. Realistically level 3 systems for highways could already be there if companies prioritized it. Everyone jokes abt tesla but autopilot has been a rock solid lane keep system for half a decade, and has been on sale for years.