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klauskervin t1_ja7wan4 wrote

Is it legal to impound these until the company pays for their release? I find these on private property all the time and I'm considering doing this if I find them on my own property.


the_real_xuth t1_ja8c64v wrote

It is no different from when someone leaves any other item of value on your property. It's not yours and there is a legal procedure for dealing with it. If you try to do so in a manner that is not legal then that puts you in far greater legal jeopardy than the person who left it on your property.


klauskervin t1_ja8hpu0 wrote

How does impounding work in PA? Is a scooter considered a motor vehicle? Do you need a towing permit? I've been towed before and laws seems to be very skewed towards the impound.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_jaanj71 wrote

I'll go out on a limb and say that big parts of the reason tow companies can operate the way that they do is that they have the budgets to lobby politicians and retain better lawyers than most of the people they're towing. Not to presume too much about OP's situation, but I doubt they're willing to pay enough in legal fees to fight off Spin's corporate lawyers over a minor inconvenience getting out of the driveway.


throws_rocks_at_cars t1_ja888wp wrote

This is such an extreme overreaction lol

Just report them and put a sign up that says “please don’t park scooters here because then I can’t exit my driveway without moving them”.


klauskervin t1_ja91xcv wrote

Well if you find several of these in your private spot every morning what other option is there? Calling the company 5 times a week is not practical.