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PorkyWallace t1_j93u4bm wrote

There are around 16,000 murders by gunshot each year in the US. Of cases where the perp is known, at lease 80% of those murders are committed by someone who either could not legally possess a firearm and/or was using a stolen/illegally purchased firearm.

Law abiding gun owners (45 million) own at least 320 million legal firearms and untold trillions of rounds of ammunition. If we were as dangerous as people believe, the murder rate would be 100x higher.


Zenith2017 t1_j93vbof wrote

And if you were less numerous than you are, the murder rate would be lower. Shocker


PorkyWallace t1_j96snad wrote

Do you know that black people comprise 16% of the population?

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports on Crime in the US, in cases in which the perp's race is known, blacks consistently account for:

50% of all murders

34.5% of all reported rapes & sexual assaults.

51% of all armed robberies.

53% of all aggravates assaults.

So, using your logic, if blacks were less numerous, the violent crime rate would be lower, correct?



Zenith2017 t1_j96vokw wrote

Well, we know the justice system skews those numbers by nature. It's not a good comparison. There's no disproving the fact that more guns means more gun violence. Keep on raging contard