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Proberts160 t1_j8wzkwa wrote

It looks further on a map - that shooting happened about a 2 minute walk from the front of your dream apartment building, with a direct line of sight to where it occurred.

Your car won’t get “broken” into most likely - but never leave it unlocked. When you step out of for breathe of fresh air, chances are at least one person is going to bug you for money or something between your walk from the building and across the street and up towards the fountain part of the park. I mention the fountain part of the park because the part of the park closest to your building is a drug market.

You won’t like this part of the neighborhood, I can tell from your comments. Your partner has PTSD from an assault when they were younger, and they would likely get triggered weekly here. I highly suggest you look in the area around ACB, Max’s, and the Schoolhouse apartments if you want to be in Deutschtown. Or look at the Mexican War Streets and Allegheny West if you just want to be in the North Side.