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thunderGunXprezz t1_j98hrfs wrote

So I'm curious as to why you picked that spot in the first place. Full disclosure, I grew up in Shaler where fortunately the crime was minimal in general. Aside from the random domestic incidents which really only ended in murder like 1% of the time, the rest of the crime could probably be attributed to the same morons I went to high-school with. Really all petty stuff. I was also frequenting other areas down that way for whatever reason. North side, Brighton Heights, Spring Garden, Millvale & Etna of course, so I did often venture out of my safe space.

Never in my life did I once consider anything south of Reserve Township as a place I'd want to live. I once worked with someone who came in from Westmorland County growing up in one of those cookie cutter housing developments off the highway. She told me they bought a house in the Mex. War Streets for like Half a million dollars. This was probably 15 years ago. I was astonished. Not only that but listening to her complain about really just general city living type stuff but also the crime and petty stuff like ppl smoking weed on the street and public urination etc. Like what do you expect?

I guess my suburban thought is, why the fuck would you choose to live there when you can spend the same amount and live in a suburb that maybe adds 20 min to your commute but alleviates dealing with all that bullshit?


Proberts160 t1_j9bnhuw wrote

I chose to live here because at the time I was 27, I wanted to live IN the city, and I found a nice apartment that checked all the boxes here.

I also grew up in urban areas, and I used to skateboard all over the city as a teen in the early 00’s. Suffice it to say, normal city issues don’t really bother me that much at all, and are worth the conveniences of living in a dense urban area.

I can’t stress enough how much value walkability adds to my life. I fucking hate driving, and avoid it as much as possible. I love being able to walk basically everywhere I need to go for life’s necessities in 10 mins or less.

I like the parks, I like the river trails, I like living in a central location, I like being close to friends, I like having the city at my fingertips.

I just don’t like the odd chance that a bullet might hit me or one of my neighbors, and for that reason I’m leaving. I understand why people like the burbs, but that’s just not me. When I leave the city in a year or so, it’ll be to my farm in the middle of nowhere.