Submitted by Tiny-Strain-6400 t3_11e6moh in pittsburgh
asianabsinthe t1_jacpspg wrote
If you don't have any paint just stand there with your pants down
SnooCapers1425 t1_jad5asa wrote
When you're on Negley Run Boulevard promise me you’ll survive. That you won’t give up, no matter what happens. No matter how hopeless.
Sideroller t1_jad5w9r wrote
what if... we kissed at the Pittsburgh pothole ?? 😳
sopabe6197 t1_jad8tu4 wrote
We barely had any winter and you can watch the streets get worse every day.
sopabe6197 t1_jad8voz wrote
The artist known as Wanksy.
verdesquared4533 t1_jad9vou wrote
"Winter" doesn't really cause potholes - they are the result of freeze / thaw cycles due to the fluctuation between freezing and non-freezing weather. We've many of those types of days.
zakpakt t1_jade5o0 wrote
Weather has been bipolar this year.
enraged_hbo_max_user t1_jadi4eg wrote
“Jack could have shared the door road with Rose!”
enraged_hbo_max_user t1_jadir04 wrote
drops a Primanti sandwich into the ocean
GoIntoTheHollow t1_jadjco7 wrote
Pretty sure I felt my soul leave my body recently when the bus I was on hit the giant pothole on second near Birmingham bridge
Key_Horror9151 t1_jadljvg wrote
The duality of pittsburgh roads: potholes, or patched potholes that become speed bumps
rollmate t1_jadn31w wrote
I'm from a completely different country but this is funny as hell. Also, good luck out there Pittsburgh, stay safe.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jadqdis wrote
Potholes to the left of me, bike lane to the right...
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jadqgeh wrote
Buses hitting potholes make the best noises. The windows rattle.
TeaZealousideal1444 t1_jadyfnv wrote
Or the roadwork patch that becomes a black hole to another dimension
Augiehack t1_jae30z1 wrote
Negley Run Blvd. is terrifyingly bad. My Mom legit thought I missed a road closed sign & was driving on a closed construction road. Rather impressive how 80% of the road is destroyed
lift_heavy64 t1_jaeamvr wrote
Which one?
Robert_L0blaw t1_jaemmo7 wrote
There's probably a lucky few who have their weekends on Wednesday and Thursday and have been living a charmed life for the past three months.
Ordinary_Pain1848 t1_jaeqpw5 wrote
There’s a really bad one right on Craft Ave in Oakland before the intersection with the blvd of the Allies. Furthest right hand lane. Looks like a damn sinkhole
Rocktroy33 t1_jaeubvu wrote
Iceburgh got 'em!
TacoBean19 t1_jaezqaz wrote
In a shocking turn of events: Forbes avenue in Oakland grew a tumor. Maybe we can have roads be organ donors now? Share some of that asphalt?
newcitynewme724 t1_jacngib wrote
Spray paint phallic appendages around them and call 311. Patched in no time