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BetesBurgh t1_jeeld3z wrote

So, the Warrendale location has a lobby and window you can go to, but the hours kinda suck (10-2, monday-friday as far as I know). I cannot guarantee that you'd be successful in getting an answer, but you'd at least talk to a person. I worked holiday casual at this facility, and they take theft & interference of mail seriously, as in dudes w/cuffs seriously. The fact it's been multiples is a bit weird - like one package I'd chalk up to something like a mangled package and it's been sitting in the department where someone pieces together where the heck damaged mail is supposed to go - but more than once for one customer is pretty weird.

(Edit: words are hard & I can't remember what the damaged mail dept is called)


gatorclawgumbo OP t1_jegrx8e wrote

I appreciate it, I didn’t know they had a lobby. I agree, I seems really weird and I thought mail theft was a felony, but without proof making claims feels like I can do. Thanks!