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HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jasbh60 wrote

Stone is aging and crumbling, this catches debris

Also helps keep pigeons off the stonework. Bird poop is corrosive.

Yes, it's on Smithfield - Smithfield United Church of Christ


Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jascufa wrote

This would have been simpler if they just built a smaller church under the main church to catch falling debris.


CARLEtheCamry t1_jat1vmz wrote

Didn't that bridge under a bridge had a diaper on it too, like this church


bleepblopbl0rp t1_jatm5od wrote

Classic Pittsburgh fix. Should we maybe refurbish this crumbling thing? Nah just put a net around it to catch the falling concrete


imouttahereta t1_jatn36u wrote

That takes money and time believe it or not, as much as I do hope that's not the "permanent" solution.