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TheOneTrueSuperJesus t1_jeei0vk wrote

Tequila Cowboy or Jimmy D's for me. I've known girls that have been assaulted, harrassed, or drugged at both those bars. And from what I hear it's a very common occurence at those bars, especially Tequila Cowboy.

I also had two friends denied access to Jimmy D's because their shirts were too long and completely covered their back pockets... while I was also wearing a long shirt that covered my pockets and was cleared to enter. Only difference was I'm white and they're not... so yeah Jimmy D's just sucks all around.


Zealousideal-Bug1967 t1_jeejts2 wrote

Eh the place sucks and I believe this happened but my white friend was denied entry there one time because his shirt was too long.


TheOneTrueSuperJesus t1_jeeog96 wrote

Who knows. Their dress code always seemed so arbitrary (apparently converse shoes are an issue? Also had a friend denied entry on that) and completely up to the specific bouncer anyway. I always found Jimmy D's annoying because of that. The predatory patrons were the final nail in the coffin though, and I outright refuse to go Jimmy D's anymore for that specific reason.