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thebloodofthematador t1_jefboz7 wrote

I wanted Coop to be so much better than it is. The food is good, but the bar is meh and the arcade games are a huge waste of money.


TheOneTrueSuperJesus t1_jeff8nn wrote

This so much. The main appeal of arcade bars is that the arcade machines are usually free (at least the best one's I've been too), though with generally higher priced drinks than a standard bar. Coop gets it wrong on both accounts by having overpriced drinks AND paid arcade games.


burritoguitar t1_jegbdg3 wrote

Which comparable bars have significantly cheaper drinks than coop?


TheOneTrueSuperJesus t1_jeghq65 wrote

Comparable in what way? I would say many other bars have cheaper drinks and/or better drink specials (my benchmark is usually Shadyside Mario's), though given Coops location it's probably comparable to other nearby bars in the Strip and Cultural District. The biggest issues I have with coop is that's it's model of paid arcade games and expensive drinks (albeit in an area where expensive drinks are typical) makes it worse than than many arcade bars I have been to (which includes those outside of Pittsburgh)