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mrsrtz t1_jdw5wht wrote


Aggravating_Foot_528 OP t1_jdw6h2d wrote

It used to be a dumpy ass biker bar back in the day and there's be motorcycles park all over the front. And now it's the place where the woman in the motorized wheelchair hangs out, asking for money. There's literally nothing behind it now. Just a empty lot. It's a pretty small parcel.

Earliest I can find on google maps is 2007 -- it was boarded up back then. I think the bar was there until 2005-ish.


mrsrtz t1_jdwidoq wrote

Come to think of it, I have the vaguest memory of all the motorcycles, but that was about 20 years ago, recollection of what it looked like or when it was demolished.