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ForgottenZodiac t1_jdqpf7t wrote

I can’t remember the exact time but couple years ago my power went out for north of 56 hours. Don’t open your fridge or freezer when your power is out and it’ll stay cold for a shockingly long time.

After we got notice power wasn’t going to be on for a while after 12 hours we started using coolers and what not with ice.

Duquesne light won’t take responsibility for any of your food loss by the way. They will direct you to use your insurance.


Old_Consideration_31 t1_jdr2hsi wrote

You may be talking about June 2021 because our power was out for 70 hours during that time.


ForgottenZodiac t1_jds2juz wrote

I think that sounds about right I could go back and look I just remembered it being a nightmare