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Amrun90 t1_jec2oxk wrote

PS, all homeless people, sheltered or unsheltered, living with substance use disorder or not, are “legitimate.” There isn’t a bar they need to pass to be “legitimate,” and judgment from people like you is a major part of the problem. Substance use disorders develop alongside mental health disorders, and people with SUD are no less deserving of our help. Shame on you. Seriously disgusting worldview.

I can’t speak to Albuquerque, but shelters here have huge waiting lists. There are not enough supports for them and I seriously commend this business owner for at least trying.


DaRiddler70 t1_jec48dl wrote

You stated the issue but you're happy about a solution that doesn't fix the problem. It's not a disgusting worldview, it's called reality and your crappy problem solving skills doesn't make me the asshole.

Mental health and drug addiction problems are not solved with homeless shelters. It's like putting on band-aids while you continue to cut yourself and you wonder why the bleeding won't stop.

I have no problem with what this guy is doing and i applaud him....but it won't do shit to stop what he and everyone else can clearly see happening downtown.

Don't be mad at me because you can accept reality. I'd expect you to downvote this....because that's what you guys are good at.


threwthelookinggrass OP t1_jec7ea3 wrote

Housing is the most basic need people need fulfilled. Stable housing increases the effectiveness of mental health and substance abuse treatment.

Homeless housing should not kick people out after a certain time period. It should be a safe, secure place for people to get back on their feet and receive the services they need.

Places like the 2nd ave commons and this proposal are certainly the right direction compared to the classic approaches that absolutely do not work of ignore, arrest, ship to California.


DaRiddler70 t1_jec8ra5 wrote

Yes, but the overwhelming majority of homeless shelters are just that.....shelters. they do nothing else. A comprehensive solution is needed, like you stated, but it isn't happening.


Amrun90 t1_jecat9l wrote

Housing is step 1. It’s not the end of the solution, but it is the necessary beginning.

There are lots of initiatives in Pittsburgh that work to combat this problem, more than most cities. We just began sending out social workers to mental health calls, and we do a lot of innovative things.

Pittsburgh is the first city to create EMS, street medicine, AND trauma-centered neighborhood resilience. We have lots of people doing groundbreaking work that is being replicated all over the country and world. You are pretty clueless about it all, obviously.


DaRiddler70 t1_jeccli9 wrote

Housing in NOT step one. A comprehensive solution is needed, you don't piece this shit together. You're a fucking nurse, you should understand that covering up symptoms does not fix the problem.

Your last paragraph is just a bunch of feel good emotional thinker gibberish. My brother was in the pilot EMS program by the Center for Emergency Medicine and is now an ER nurse, I'll have to ask him if he knows what you're talking about.


Amrun90 t1_jech8ga wrote

I don’t think you understand that EMS was invented here in the Hill district and that is why the center for emergency medicine is in this city at all, not the other way around.

Housing FIRST. Yes, housing is the first step. Until you provide for someone’s basic physiological needs, you cannot hope to move on to the next step. Those are the basics. They are how it works. That’s where all solutions begin, just not where they end.

I will not engage with you any more as you don’t intend to learn anything and think you know it all. ✌🏿


DaRiddler70 t1_jeci6f0 wrote

Yeah, not sure what your history lesson has to do with you not knowing how to solve problems, but you're a nurse....soooooo, I get it.

You can not get a guy to stop smoking meth outside McDonald's by "providing for his basic biological need of housing". You need to fix the drug addiction or mental health problem first. And lucky for you, that shit is indoors.

Do you happen to work for AGH or Forbes maybe?


Amrun90 t1_jecila1 wrote

You cannot fix mental health or drug addictions while a person is in survival mode and fighting to meet their basic physiological needs such as housing and food. It is hard to believe one could say such a thing unironically.

I work with this patient population full time, 365. You have no clue.


DaRiddler70 t1_jeciugp wrote

Damnit....they're in a facility, not a shelter.

What is the matter with you???


Amrun90 t1_jecjuqj wrote

You don’t magically fix any sort of mental health or addiction problem with an inpatient stay. Doesn’t work that way.


DaRiddler70 t1_jecmzxm wrote

You don't get their ass off drugs by's a house. If that was the case, they wouldn't be burning down abandoned houses.

I'm glad you agree that you can't fix the problem with one magic step.


DaRiddler70 t1_jecn19i wrote

You don't get their ass off drugs by's a house. If that was the case, they wouldn't be burning down abandoned houses.

I'm glad you agree that you can't fix the problem with one magic step.
