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Aezon22 t1_jefi3bi wrote

Ah yes, making unfounded guesses on the condition of Pittsburgh while you apparently live in Albuquerque. Just pure words of genius.

Seriously what makes you think anyone wants to hear uneducated crap from you?

EDIT: imagine posting the thing below this and then blocking me lol. Yes I’m sure you’re very well educated sir we are all very impressed. Your contribution to this sub continues to be of the upmost value lmaooooo. Fucking loser.


DaRiddler70 t1_jefzdnk wrote

Because I own property in Pittsburgh, I'm from Pittsburgh, I have my whole family in Pittsburgh and I'm home 4 times a year. I was just there for a week in January, ill be back again next week. I know its hard for you to imagine, but people do travel.

There is also no doubt I am more educated than you.