Submitted by biglemon29 t3_1263hng in pittsburgh

I am considering moving from Portland Oregon to Pittsburgh and I’m visiting it for the first time ever. Does anyone have experience with both cities and can compare what they like and dislike about both in regards to each other?



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Andysine215 t1_je7c1tj wrote

There’s less Nazis.


Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_je7ctv6 wrote

This could describe Portland, Pittsburgh, or neither city.


Andysine215 t1_je7d0cm wrote

Lolol. Less Nazis in Pittsburgh than Portland. Good people. Good food. Small town ish vibe. Pgh might be my favourite city in the states.


suitcasecalling t1_jeb04lt wrote

less crazies in general. all anti-vaxxer people I know back in Portland are starting to find jesus. I always figured the far left and far right would some day unite. It's starting to happen now in Portland. The land of extremes


CARLEtheCamry t1_je7dutc wrote

So what is going on here. Issues in Portland + cost and they found Pittsburgh on a list of the most affordable places to live in America?


biglemon29 OP t1_je7ciy2 wrote

Thank you so much! This is very helpful


WRWhizard t1_je86pst wrote

Ah yes... saw the remark about snow plows. If you hate the SUV as some liberals do, do NOT move here. Probably 3 out of 4 own one even if it isn't their every day drive. It is just a mater of survival. Honda CRV, Subaru, Jeep, H3, gotta have one.

I saw a BMW with bald tires holding up a line of cars behind them and laughed. Car payment keeping you from buying good tires?

I had to get out of my plumbing truck and push a Prius out of their parking spot. Good tires, just no guts.


RevOpSystems t1_je7hbjv wrote

I like the city of Pittsburgh much better than Portland, in general. It's less walkable and bikeable here though. And the natural environment will never compare, probably the hardest adjustment for me. With no evergreens, It feels dead here from October to... I'm guessing mid April?

I'm hoping to find a way to see the natural beauty of this region this spring and summer.


suitcasecalling t1_jeb0sy0 wrote

I moved here from Portland 18 months ago after living in Portland for 12 years. Do it yo.. best decision ever. I could write you a long piece here but to sum it up.. Pittsburgh is better in all ways except the food scene. The nature scene is really good too but the mountains don't go as high and you're going run into some pollution in the water ways. As for weather / rain. MILES AND MILES better in Pittsburgh. Soooo many more sunny days and better less dreary weather overall. Someone in this thread said something about Portland's downtown being more vibrant.. dead wrong. Pittsburgh's downtown is way better and yes a few homeless but nothing like Portland. Arts and culture.. hands down Pittsburgh by a lot. Very few bands I love ever manage to get to the west coast and the scene here is not a lot of folky stuff. Really didn't like that about Portland's music scene. BUT if you like the big doom metal scene of Portland, Pittsburgh does not have a doom metal scene :(

I would be happy to get a beer with you when you come into town to talk more. Feel free to DM me any questions and to set up that beer.


sqirly t1_je7vqi5 wrote

We have snowplows


hairyemmie t1_je96dwy wrote

every ex-portlander i talk to says the people are so much more genuine and nice, like portland without the pretentiousness 🤷


Roya1Je11y t1_je7lv4l wrote

Yes, my whole mom’s side of the family is from Portland. Went to high school in lake Oswego. The similarities are in topography (think the hills of Portland with ivy) and weather seasonality (rains through the winter months, but a heavier rain and more just overcast and less misting). Besides these comparisons it’s really quite different. Portland has a pretty vibrant downtown, whereas Pittsburgh is a city of neighborhoods and each neighborhood has something unique to offer. The people and culture here is different, you just have to experience it.


WRWhizard t1_je83ekx wrote

Never been much of anywhere especially Portland but...

Portland, and Oregon in general is stereotyped as quite Liberal and Progressive.

Pittsburgh being the child of heavily unionized industry, is very Democratic. Might make you feel at home.

The weather here kind of sucks. I think we set records for the most cloudy days. Not a huge problem if you take a lot of Vitamin D. We put SAD in the medical books (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Oregon is further north I think and so it might not be a big change.

We aren't in the national news for bad crap much. That's a plus.

If you are into cultural stuff we have a good Classical music station, The Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera is rather famous, and the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra won some nifty awards lately.

Me personally, I used to attend Rock Concerts at the Civic Arena, and other venues. The Arena is gone but we do get major billings here all the time.

Ah! It is what it is. I'm a lifer, already bought my plot in Monroeville, so I guess I'm here to stay.


I tried to find links and just couldn't find a definitive one , but do a YouTube search for Rick Sebak, he is like the official Pittsburgh documentarian. You wanna know about Pittsburgh, he's the go to guy.


mustyhobbits t1_je9ll5v wrote

It would probably be better to move to the outskirts of Portland it would be cheaper for sure
