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Verniloth t1_je9cqs6 wrote

My lawyer didn't tell me this until last month, do yourself a favor and start saving that tax amount. They will back date the tax amount to the day that they originally reassessed. So say your taxes go up by 300 per month. You will need to have saved 300 per month that the house SHOULD have been taxed. House poor here we come!


bionica1 t1_je9gciz wrote

Oh my god are you serious? How in the flying fuck is that fair considering my hearing was in AUG 2022!!! I called in Nov or Dec and the person I talked to said there are over 800 appeals that have not been decided yet that were heard in 2022. So that means it could still be months.

Well, this is going to keep me up at night. I made sure to buy a house that was well within my budget just for this to happen. I'm going to be sick. Thank christ my boyfriend will be moving in with me soon to split the mortage but still. This is disgusting. I do appreciate you giving me the head's up though!


Verniloth t1_je9hexp wrote

You're going to be okay. Start setting it aside. Email your attorney so that they can confirm. I heard a rumor that it was to be back dated, and I contacted mine and they did confirm it to be true. I'll need to come up with like 4 or 5 grand. :/ ugh


Select_Yard_3925 t1_je9jv1i wrote

This is how every city in America collects taxes now. Why charge old people who bought a house for $50k on an asset worth $300k when you can just charge people who are buying homes now? Old people vote, and they're never going to vote for making themselves pay their fair share because they already spent all the money living happy lives.