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dfiler t1_jdiuv7j wrote

Entirely appropriate. They are giving you prior notice.


MaybeADumbass t1_jdiz271 wrote

It's tough to parse from the title, but OP is complaining that they gave a negative 4 day notice. The cones went up today with a date from four days ago.

It's not really appropriate, but it's generally how they've been operating.


jwmahaffey9 OP t1_jdiw213 wrote

I posted this today. The cones just went up today with the date from 4 days ago


MaybeADumbass t1_jdiyrey wrote

That's how they do it. My neighborhood had all that work done last year, and almost every time the cones showed up when the work started, back-dated to several days prior.

Sometimes, though, the cones would come out with the no parking signs, nothing would happen, and then work would begin after the no parking expired.

It sucks, and they really should try to do better, but at the end of the day it's probably more important to get all of the lead lines replaced than anything else. It is obnoxious, though.

Also wait until you see the quality of their temporary patches! They'll make you forget all about their [lack of] signage and notice.