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jwmahaffey9 OP t1_jdiuvhz wrote

Wouldn’t have had to ask someone to move my car for me while I was at work


Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jdiv4w5 wrote

You had 4 days notice...


jwmahaffey9 OP t1_jdivxoz wrote

They literally put these cones up today with a date from 4 days ago


sctlight t1_jdiwjc2 wrote

I think the confusion is your title states you had 4 day’s notice when you had none.


skfoto t1_jdiwnc3 wrote

The title states “-4” as in negative 4


ShanghaiShrek t1_jdiztdy wrote

It sounds pedantic but that is a way of describing time. "Zero" is the day of the event, days leading up to it are negative, days after positive.

Idk what system Pittsburgh is on but they love to do this post-dated bullshit, don't they?